I’m A Celebrity celebrities accused of ‘bullying’ Iain Lee


I’m A Celebrity’s 2017 contestants have been accused of ‘bullying’ Iain Lee.

The Radio host has admitted to feeling isolated in the jungle, especially following the fallout of ‘Strawberry Gate’.

Now Iain’s radio producer pal Katherine Boyle has hit out at his treatment.

She accused the other celebs of picking on Iain and said: “It was like watching the film Mean Girls seeing them gang up on him.”

“Iain’s a sweet person and through ignorance this situation has been able to take shape,” she told The Sun newspaper. “I wish he knew how proud I am of him.

Amir Khan and Iain Lee eat the campmates' strawberries - Im A Celebrity

“I wish I could march in there and give him a hug and tell him he’s doing really well.”

Viewers of the show have also lashed out at Iain’s treatment, especially from the other guys.

“#ImACeleb this year showing us boys are the biggest b*tches,” one on Twitter commented after tonight’s show.

And it’s led to fans to rally around Iain and get him to the final.

“The look on Jamie and Amir’s faces if they’re booted out before Iain will be priceless so if you could make that happen #ImACeleb,” tweeted a supporter.

A spokesperson for ITV said: “The welfare of our celebrities is of utmost importance.”

Earlier this week, Iain branded I’m A Celeb hosts Ant and Dec “a**eholes” after they didn’t let him leave the camp.

Iain got up in the morning and said he had dreamt of freedom. “I’ve got a very strong vibe that I am going out today and I can’t wait to see my big sis”

Ant and Dec then appeared in camp with news. “The news is that no-one will be leaving the camp today so you all have at least one more day in the Jungle,” said Dec.

In the Bush Telegraph Iain reacted: “My mum is a fan of Ant and Dec but when I come out of the Jungle I am going to be asking her to cancel her membership of the A&DFC – the Ant and Dec Fan Club.

im a celebrity camp iain

“They are ***holes.”

I’m A Celebrity continues nightly on ITV.

Another celebrity will get the boot live tonight.