The Circle spoilers: New influencers decide who to block

The Circle 2021’s two new influencers decide who to block in tonight’s episode.

In last night’s episode, new players Pippa and Femi (aka Joey) were put in charge of selecting one of the influencers.

The pair, who entered in Monday night’s episode, decided to make Manrika an influencer.

The other players then rated once more to decide who would be the second influencer and it was Andy who came out on top.

After the ratings results were revealed, Andy and Manrika went to the hangout to decide who will be blocked from The Circle next.

Tonight (31 March), Andy and Manrika discuss who they want to keep safe and who they want to block, discussing their feelings for each player. Their alliances with Syed (Hashu) and Felix (Natlaya) ensure their safety, but they both have question marks around Vithun, Dorothy (Scott) and Gemma (James).

Andy questions whether it would be a tactical error to tell Manrika what he knows about Gemma’s true identity.

Who they choose to block will be revealed in the evening’s episode at 10PM on Channel 4 and All 4.

The full ratings were as follows (Manrika, Pippa and Femi could not be rated):

1st: Andy
2nd= Dorothy (Scott)
2nd= Felix (Natalya)
4th: Syed (Hashu)
5th: Vithun
6th: Gemma (aka James)

Meanwhile in yesterday evening’s episode, the newbies continued getting to know the rest of the players.

Pippa started a girls’ chat with Dorothy (Scott), Gemma (James) and Manrika to get to know them, with all the girls putting on the charm.

Felix (Natalya) started a chat with Femi (Joey) to make a bond, and suggests bringing Andy into the chat. Femi (Joey) teaches Felix and Andy some Yoruba.

And Vithun and Syed (Hashu) also made time to bond with the newbies.

Elsewhere, the Players made a S**t Sandwich in a new game.

The players had to share a ‘word sandwich’ made up of two positive words and one negative word about one of their fellow players.

As newbies, Pippa and Femi (Joey) didn’t take part, but wereable to see the others’ sandwiches which to help them make their influencer decision.

Felix’s (Natalya’s) sandwich for Gemma (James) used “caring”, “compassionate” and “manipulative”. And following yesterday’s catfish revelation, Gemma (James) was nervous that Andy could use the game to expose the truth to everybody.

Later, with Tally’s blocking still on her mind, Manrika started a private chat with Gemma (James).

Gemma (James) asked Manrika about the snake painting, as she had suspicions sparked by Syed (Hashu) that the anonymous painter was Manrika.

The Circle continues Sunday to Fridays on Channel 4 and All 4.

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