The Circle 2021 results: Who left? One player voted off in shock blocking

One more player has left The Circle 2021 – here’s who left in tonight’s results.

In Thursday night’s episode (25 March), Players rated for the latest time before The Circle unveiled a twist.

Ahead of announcing the ratings results, The Circle told the Players: “Only the bottom two Players are at risk of being blocked. In 24 hours one of them will be blocked.”

The Circle then revealed that it was Dorothy (aka Scott) and Tally who were in the bottom two and therefore at risk of being blocked.

Last night(Friday, 26 March) Emma Willis arrived in The Circle with another alert for the players. The fate of the two at-risk players Dorothy (Scott) and Tally would be decided by only one other player: The Blocker.

The five safe players, Vithun, Gemma (James), Andy, Felix (Natalya) and Manrika each voted for who they want to be The Blocker and the person with the majority vote will be the sole player to decide between blocking Dorothy or Tally.

Who left The Circle?

The players decided to give the power to Andy who chose to block Tally from The Circle, seeing her leave the show.

In making his decision, Andy reflected on the doubts he’s had about both Dorothy and Tally, and noted that the ratings seemed to suggest other players had suspicions about Tally, but also considered that his circle allies might prefer to block Dorothy.

Before leaving The Circle for good, Tally got the chance to meet another player.

Who she meets will be revealed in the next episode on Monday, 29 March. There is no episode on Sunday this weekend due to the F1 coverage on Channel 4.

In the ratings, after succeeding in her assassin mission, Gemma (James) was immune from being rated but still rated the other Players.

Meanwhile Manrika found her loyalties divided between her Circle boyfriend Felix (Natalya) and her geezer gal pal Tally.

Manrika ranked Tally last on her ratings in a bid to protect Felix – who is really military policewoman Natalya.

Elsewhere in tonight’s show, The Circle gave the players a new game, Agony Aunts, in which the at-risk players Dorothy (Scott) and Tally both answered dilemmas anonymously sent to them by the other players.

Felix (Natalya) asked “I feel like my friend is pretending to be someone that they’re not. How do I ask them without offending them?”, which made some of the other catfish players wonder if the question is subtly directed towards them.

The Circle continues Sunday to Friday nights at 10PM on Channel 4 and All 4.

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