Denise Van Outen forced to leave Dancing On Ice due to injury

Denise Van Outen has been forced to quit Dancing On Ice due to a shoulder injury.

The actress and singer previously performed in the first live show shortly after a bad fall on the ice.

Having had a scan today (26 January), Denise has been told that she cannot continue to skate whilst she recuperates.

Denise and pro partner Matt Evers have therefore had to withdraw from the Dancing On Ice 2021 competition.

She wrote on Instagram: “GUTTED! If you’ve been watching @dancingonice you will be aware that just over a week ago I had a nasty fall and injured my shoulder. I managed to skate my first dance with @themattevers on the live show through a gritted smile because the pain was unbearable.

Denise Van Outen and Matt Evers.
Denise Van Outen and Matt Evers. Picture: ITV

“I’ve tried as hard as I can to carry on because I love the show and the amazing team in front and behind the cameras. Initially we thought with rest I could make a return to the ice, but a recent MRI scan has shown that I have 3 bone fractures as well as a partial dislocation. OUCH! No wonder I’ve been in agony.”

Denise continued: “I won’t be able to do any lifts,tricks or solo skating on the show due to my injury. I’m going to bail out gracefully with my DOI bling sling. @themattevers has been the most incredible support and skate partner (a true friend) and I’m so grateful for his expertise in teaching me (ice virgin?⛸) the basics.

“I just wish I was well enough to learn all the fabulous tricks my injury won’t allow me to do. Chair dancing on Ice with a massive pie won’t get us points on the leaderboard ?. I’m actually proud of what I’ve achieved ( not much, lowest scores so far ?) . If you don’t mind I’m going to give myself a couple of points for bravery for doing cartwheels on Ice at 46 with broken bones ???❄️.

“I wish all the celebs, pros and judges the best of luck for the rest of the series. I’m rooting for you all. Bunch of legends ⛸ #dancingonice2021”

Matt Evers, her professional skating partner, said: “Denise has worked so incredibly hard these past few months and I’m devastated that she’s unable to show everyone what a beautiful skater she’s become.

Denise Van Outen doi
Denise Van Outen
Denise Van Outen injury
Denise Van Outen

“It’s sad that the competition must end now for both Denise and I but it’s most important that she takes the time to heal and recover.

“I loved our time on the ice together and I love the wonderful friendship that we will always have. I’m gutted to have Denise leave the show and equally gutted that last Sunday’s hug will be my last for a while.”

A spokesperson for Dancing on Ice confirmed: “We adore Denise and Matt and we’re so very sad to see them leave the competition so soon.

“They are both much loved members of the Dancing On Ice family and we’d like to thank them for their hard work, from the moment they began training through to the joyful performances they brought to the show.

“We wish Denise all the very best as she now takes some time to make a full recovery.”

Amy Tinkler
Amy Tinkler. Picture ITV

With the departure of Denise Van Outen and Matt Evers, a new couple will step into the main cast with Olympic gymnast Amy Tinkler and her pro-skater partner Joe Johnson joining the line up from this weekend.

Amy won a bronze medal at the 2016 Olympic games and is the 2015 British all-around champion.

Dancing On Ice 2021 continues Sunday nights on ITV.

Picture: ITV