Chris Moyles fumes at Matt Hancock on I’m A Celebrity as politician is quizzed on the pandemic


Chris Moyles was left fuming on tonight’s I’m A Celebrity as Matt Hancock was quizzed on the pandemic.

The former health secretary was grilled by his fellow campmates about his reasons for joining camp.

Around camp, Chris asked Matt: “What’s the plan, come out of here, write a book?”

Matt said: “I’ve just finished a book – Pandemic Diaries. Does what it says on the tin.”

Chris went on to quiz Matt: “You got a lockdown fine, didn’t you?”

I'm A Celebrity's Charlene White and Chris Moyles
I’m A Celebrity’s Charlene White and Chris Moyles

Matt said: “No, of course I didn’t. No, I did not. I didn’t break any…”

Charlene White then said: “You were socialising with someone outside of your household.”

Matt said: “I didn’t break any laws. Guidance is different.”

Scarlette Douglas continued: “So there’s a rule and there’s a law.”

Matt said: “Guidance is guidance. But the problem was it was my guidance. That’s why…”

Scarlette interrupted: “Why did you break your own guidance?”

Matt replied: “Because it was a mistake, because I fell in love with somebody.”

Matt in the Bush Telegraph said: “In a way, lots of the campmates asked questions that the public have got as well and it’s only respectful to just give completely straight and truthful answers.”

Charlene later shared with Matt: “My aunt died from Covid in the first wave. So, we couldn’t go to the hospital to go and visit her. I had to sit by myself in the church at her funeral. We couldn’t hug each other because we were following guidance. And I get that you fell in love, I understand all of those things, but sorry for a lot of families like mine doesn’t really cut it.”

Charlene went on to press Matt about his actions dealing with the pandemic as a whole, including procurement of personal protective equipment for medical staff.

As Matt continued to face questions, Sue told the camp: “I think we’ve covered everything, we should stop. What I do appreciate is that you did eat a sheep’s vagina for us. And life isn’t black and white and we are all fallible and we all f*** up.”

She added in the Bush Telegraph: “It was the elephant in the room, wasn’t it? I was glad that he said it and a line should be drawn beneath it and the elephant has departed.”

im a celebrity tx6 chris scarlette

Matt then said to Charlene: “Do you know what it is actually, what I’m really looking for is a bit of forgiveness, that’s what I’m really looking for… We all make mistakes. I made a pretty big one.”

However Chris in the Bush Telegraph said: “Honestly, the way I feel now is he’s pulled the mask slightly off his chin a little bit but I still think he’s not telling us the full truth.”

Afterwards, Chris said to Scarlette: “It was the last thing he said, ‘I think I’m here for forgiveness’. Then, I wanted to go, ‘Forgiveness for what Matt? What are you sorry for? Are you sorry for being caught? Are you sorry for having an affair? Are you sorry for making bad decisions? Are you sorry for lying? What? What?’

“If you’re going to be real, be real. I’m trying to be as real as I can and when I think he’s not being real it’s bugging me and I don’t know why. We’ve all made mistakes and you put your hands up and you’re honest. If you’re at that point where you genuinely feel that bad, you go, I’m sorry and you take it, I’m sorry.”

Chris continued: “He’s trying to portray that he’s being totally honest and it’s eating away at me.”

Scarlette said: “We have to just take him at face value in here. Outside of here, probably not going to be friends with you, but in here we’ll work together as a team.”

Chris added: “It’s a real struggle.”

I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! watch the next live episode tomorrow at 9PM (Saturday) on ITV and ITV Hub.