Celebrity X Factor: Who are V5? Meet Sofia, Alondra, Laura, Natalie and Wendii

The X Factor’s Celebrity series continues tonight where we meet girl group V5.

V5 are a five piece group made up of social media influencers Sofia Oliveira, Alondra Martinez, Laura Buitrago, Natalie Valerin and Wendii.

Explaining how they got into music, Alondra revealed: “I’ve been dancing for so long that I don’t even remember getting into music, but I started singing at 15 when I wanted to audition for a singing show.”

Sofia added: “Since I was very young I always loved to sing! My mother used to put a headphone on her belly when she was pregnant. I was born loving music and said I wanted to be a singer when I was five years old.

And Wendii shared: “I always had a passion for music ever since I was a little girl, but I started taking it more seriously at the age of 11 when I did my first stage performance at a show called “La Voz Kids” from there on out I knew for sure I wanted to be an artist.”

The group also shared an insight to being an ‘influencer’.

Sofia said: “It’s one of the most important things for my career! With social media I can connect with people from all over the world and they opened doors to show my talent and what I love to do.

“It’s a huge responsibility, you have to be careful, but this is not a downside, just a hard thing.”

Wendii agreed: “I think social media is extremely important. Nowadays it’s how we get to see other people’s talents and what they do as well as being able to communicate with those people that support you!

“I think there’s a downside to being in the public eye just due to the fact that so many people know who you are and some of those people don’t want you to succeed and that’s why sometimes things can get hard, but you need to be around the right people that will always be there for you.”

You can follow the girls on Instagram @sofia @alondra_offic @laurambuitrago @natalievalerin @wendii.

The X Factor: Celebrity continues tonight at 8:30PM on ITV.

The live shows will begin next weekend.

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