Celebrity Island: Pete Wicks bitten by SHARK after trying to catch fish


Celebrity Island 2018 with Bear Grylls was back tonight and saw Pete Wicks attacked by a shark.

In tonight’s fifth episode, seven celebrities were left on the Island: Academy Award and Golden Globe nominated actor, Eric Roberts, actor and musician, Martin Kemp, double Olympic gold medal rower, James Cracknell, Olympic boxer, Anthony Ogogo and TOWIE star, Pete Wicks.

Joining them were model and TV personality, Jo Wood, and TV doctor, Dr Saleyha Ahsan.

After nearly a month on their own and with little to no food available, things were looking bad for the group.


Pete began to crack under the pressure as he took full responsibility for trying to feed the camp following last week’s pig drama.

At low tide, he headed out to look for fish and encountered a catch in the nets, but quickly discovered it was a shark.

While trying to remove it from the net, it latched on to Pete’s hand and refused to let go.

“Shark’s got my finger!” he shouted after the nurse shark took hold.

Watching on from the shore, the other celebs quickly swam to help Pete.

Eventually, Pete and James wrestled themselves and the shark to shore.

Dr Saleyha treated Pete’s injury, remarking: “I’ve never been called to a shark before.”

After the drama in the water, the celebs enjoyed a meal of shark steaks.

Recalling the incident recently, which took place during filming earlier this year, Pete said: “The worst part of it was the clamping. It was like being in a vice; I could feel it tightening and tightening around my hand.”

“I remembered watching the National Geographic and how to get sharks to let go, you poke it in the eye, so I did that and it ended up releasing my hand.”

Despite the injury, Pete decided to stay on the island.

“There was no way I was leaving unless it was in a body bag,” he told The Sun. “They wanted to take me off The Island but I don’t give up on anything. I didn’t want to go.

“I broke my fingers and bent up like a banana and swelled up but on the island there’s not much you can do about it.”

Elsewhere tonight, Martin was left questioning if he can make it to the end as the wounds on his legs became infected.

Alongside the remaining celebs, actress and radio broadcaster, Roxanne Pallett, Love Island star Montana Brown and journalist, presenter and transgender activist Paris Lees were on the show before leaving.

The Celebrity Island 2018 with Bear Grylls airs Sunday nights at 9PM.