The Chase’s Mark Labbett wants to do I’m A Celeb or Strictly Come Dancing


The Chase star Mark Labbett has revealed hopes of competing in I’m A Celebrity or Strictly Come Dancing.

The quiz genius says Strictly is the one he’d prefer for personal reasons – but there is one problem.

6ft 7in Mark, known as The Beast, explained: “I’d like to get on Strictly because I know that, like Russell Grant, I’d probably lose half a stone a week, plus the fitness would be a bonus.

“But I’ve been told by one of the choreographers, ‘Mark, we haven’t got a female who is even close to your height, it would look ridiculous’.”

He also has reservations about going into the jungle, telling the Daily Mirror newspaper: “I think the boredom would drive me mad”

Still, he declared: “I’m going to do it, it’s just a question of when. I am not joking you guys, cannibalism may be on the cards.

“I would be that hungry and some minuscule pipsqueak mucks up the food challenge and says, ‘Oh it doesn’t matter, we’ll go without for a day’, and I will be looking at them going, ‘Oh, there’s a couple of steaks on that’.

“My father was a butcher, so I know how to prepare a joint.”

It’s not the first time that Mark has put himself forward for I’m A Celeb.

After his co-star Anne Hegerty travelled to the jungle in 2018, Mark said last year he was eyeing up his own stay Down Under.

And it’s not the first time he’s been in talks for the Aussie based reality series.

“They did interview me two years ago but I was 27 stone and they thought, ‘No!’,” Mark told The Sun previously. “I’m down to about 23 or 24st now.

“It’s a great opportunity.”