The Apprentice’s Lord Sugar has no plans to quit the show any time soon


Lord Sugar has said he has no plans to step down from his role on The Apprentice.

The business mogul has been at the helm of the BBC One series for 14 series now.

And he says there’s no reason for him to quit any time soon.

Lord Sugar said: “I find it interesting. Maybe I’ll find a funeral parlour owner in ten years time and start making my coffin. With wi-fi, of course.

“There’s no reason for me to quit TV, it’s not affecting me going forward with any business ventures that I’m involved in. In fact, it enhances them.”

In an interview with the Daily Mirror newspaper, Lord Sugar did reveal there was one thing he demanded from the BBC to continue on the show.

He explained: “I’ve always liked to be a bit humorous but unfortunately previous editors of The Apprentice, under the BBC’s instructions, have been advised to make me look like a bloody ogre or whatever.

“Part and parcel of the agreement for me to continue doing the programme is for me to say that I am not going to be shown as that anymore.”

Lord Sugar insisted his ‘real life’ personality wasn’t quite like it had been made out to be in past series of The Apprentice.

He said: “People get nervous because of this perceived stance of mine that they see on television.

“But for most people when we’re together in real life, it’s very straightforward, very business-like, and there’s no reason for people to be nervous. It’s as simple as that.”

The Apprentice 2018 currently airs Wednesday nights at 9PM on BBC One.