Tell Me Everything: ITV2 announces brand new teen drama series


ITV2 has announced brand new teen drama series, Tell Me Everything.

Created by Mark O’ Sullivan (Lee and Dean, The Agency), and written by Mark O’Sullivan and Yemi Oyefuwa, Tell Me Everything explores what it’s like to be coming of age in the 2020s.

A teaser shares: “Brimming with heart, laughs, pathos and gut-punches, tenderness and darkness, Tell Me Everything is a six part drama exploring the stresses of mental health for today’s teens created by the omnipresence of technology and social media, whilst they are still searching for their own identity, exploring sexuality, and experimenting with relationships, drink, drugs and sex (as well as what to wear tonight).

“Rooted in truthful observations about life as it actually is for young people, Tell Me Everything is a celebration of adolescence, without shying away from the difficult subjects facing teens as they grow up in the 2020s.

“Tell Me Everything introduces us to 16 year-old Jonny Murphy, who is trying his best to navigate through this world. Growing up hasn’t been easy, and although loved by his friends and family, Jonny suffers from undiagnosed depression which he does his best to hide. So when he is faced with the most gut-wrenching tragedy, Jonny has to decide – is he going to let events overtake him or is he going to learn how to live?

“His oldest friends, Louis and Neve, are battling their own issues and emotional struggles, yet continue to be there for Jonny. So they are right to be suspicious of Mei when she comes into his life. She seems to understand Jonny, but increasingly appears to be a dangerous influence on him. Meanwhile, new college mates, Regan, Saj and Zia, initially appear cool and care-free, but as Jonny, Neve and Louis get to know them, it soon becomes clear that everyone is fighting their own personal battles. ”

ITV say the series will cover some difficult issues for teenagers: addiction, bereavement, porn, body image, toxic masculinity, academic pressure and racial and sexual prejudice are amongst the threads which make up Jonny, Neve, Louis, Saj, Mei and Regan’s ongoing stories and will prompt conversations beyond our TV screens.

ITV’s Head of Digital Channels and Acquisitions, Paul Mortimer said: “ITV2 is delighted to be back in the original drama game with this wonderfully conceived series aimed squarely at teens but with broader appeal, no doubt. An honest portrayal of teenage suburban life, it should resonate strongly with today’s young audience whose taste has become more sophisticated, and appetite for quality storytelling never been greater.”

Executive Producers Robert Wulff-Cochrane and Camilla Campbell of producers Noho Film and Television said: “We are really excited to be working with ITV2 and the Young Audience Content Fund on a truly British show for young audiences.

“Teenagers now face more challenges than ever, and Mark’s scripts encapsulate the pain, joy and messy highs and lows of a group of teenage friends in all their glory. Tell Me Everything will confront the difficult subject of mental health head on whilst maintaining a robust sense of humour – a refreshing take on the classic coming of age story.”

Writer Mark O’Sullivan added: “I’m thrilled to be bringing my first drama series to ITV2, with the BFI’s brilliant Young Audiences Content Fund. Tell Me Everything is a semi-autobiographical story (set now, in the 2020s) about growing up and trying to find out who you are before anyone else can decide it for you.

“It’s a drama – with laughs, tears, and the odd gut-punch – about how adolescence is many things, but never straightforward and always personal. Our gang of teen friends will be exploring some of the issues I tackled at that age, among them addiction and the death of a parent, as well as some of the unique challenges teenagers face in today’s doom-scrolling, social media-driven, blurry-lined world. I can’t wait to share it (and to show off my home town of Welwyn Garden City!).”

Tell Me Everything will begin filming in the summer of 2021.

Casting and a release date are to be confirmed.

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