There’s mounting tensions between the girls on Survival Of The Fittest tonight.
Mettisse Campbell is fed up with the Girls acting fake and goes to confide in Tristan in the Look Out about Georgia Cole and Lottie James’ behaviour.
Mettisse says: “I’m so annoyed… Yesterday when we went on the Safari… Georgia was like, ‘I’m going to use David to get to the end of the competition anyway…’ She was basically like, ‘I don’t even like him, I’m just using him to get to where I want to be’…
“And this morning when Joel came in, Lottie looked at me and she had her mouth on the floor. Lottie and Georgia they’ve been on about how good looking Joel is and Lottie is saying how much he is her type and Georgia is saying the same thing. Am I l missing something here? I’m shocked at Lottie.”
Tristan reacts: “Lottie would be crazy to try and drop Warren for him… She needs to go.”

Tristan goes to speak to Warren and David: “I don’t want it to work out bad for Mettisse because she’s told me this… She said she couldn’t believe what Georgia said. Georgia said ‘Oh I’m only using David to get far on the show because I know he’s going to have my back’ and stuff like that. This is mad.
“Then obviously today when Joel walked in, Mettisse looked at Lottie and her mouth was open and then her and Georgia have been saying how fit this new guy is.”
Warren is shocked: “The last three, four days she was down and I thought I’d do the right thing and bring her up and comfort her. She didn’t stay with me last night. A new guy walks in she says is her type. Why be fake? She is punching if she’s with me anyway.”
Warren goes to speak to James and Tristan to tell them about Lottie and Georgia.
James says: “It’s a kick in the teeth, I thought she was better than that… It reflects badly on Lottie and makes you look like an absolute gent and hero… She has been completely selfish with this whole thing… She is fake and she has messed it up because she will never get a guy like Warren again.”
Tristan adds: “At the end of the day, when she had no one you picked her up. You made her into that.”
Warren finishes: “She can crack on but I’ll be waving her across the bridge tomorrow night because once the rest of the boys know about this… I always keep girls arm length, I’m a closed book for this exact reason. And she has proved me right.”
Meanwhile Mettisse tells Mariam that she told Tristan about Georgia and Lottie.
She says: “I did feel a little bit bad but I feel like David and Warren deserve to know the truth… Georgia knows that she needs to keep all the Girls sweet and then I’m thinking to myself, that’s fake because I know how you feel about Lottie. You’re being fake. When I looked at Lottie, I looked at her like a sweet little flower that would never do anything and now…”

“She is a completely different person,” Mariam chips in. “She is being really irritating. I can’t be bothered. The Warren thing set me back.”
Mettisse says in the Tree House: “To be using somebody and playing with somebody else’s feelings and emotions to benefit yourself so you can win money, to me it’s not right.
“That’s not okay and if anyone thinks that is acceptable I’m sorry but I don’t think you’re a very nice person for that reason.”
Survival Of The Fittest airs at 10PM tonight on ITV2.