Craig Revel Horwood predicts same sex couples on Strictly Come Dancing

Craig Revel Horwood thinks same sex couples are coming to Strictly Come Dancing.

The Strictly judge thinks it’s only a matter of time before the BBC relaxes its rules on the current mixed gender pairings.

Speaking ahead of the latest live show, Craig said: “I think they will [have them in future]. Louise Rainbow, who is sort of our artist director, will decide.”

“They have introduced it with the pros already and are very proud of that,” he told The Sun newspaper. “That was to see how the audience might cope with two blokes having a dance together. That’s exactly what they do in the streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina.”

And earlier this year, Craig said: “I think more and more people want it, the more it will happen. I have no argument against it.

“I think it would be rather fun. Maybe the BBC will be brave enough one day to do it.”

It’s not the first time that Craig has spoken out about encouraging same-sex pairings on the BBC One series.

In an interview last year, he said: “I think same-sex couples can exist – you only have to decide who’s going to go backwards really, don’t you? That’s the only difference.”

Speaking on ITV’s Lorraine, Craig revealed he hoped to see same sex couples on the show while he was still a judge.

He added: “In the world of competition, you know, there are same sex couples who do it as well so there’s no reason what that can’t happen.

“I just guess the Beeb have to decide whether they want to one year and I think it will probably happen next year.

Earlier this year, Craig’s fellow Strictly judge Shirley Ballas also backed including same-sex couples on the show.

Shirley, who joined the show last year, said she’d “embrace” the change.

The BBC said earlier this year there were currently “no plans” to involve same sex pairings on Strictly at the moment.

A spokesperson said: “Strictly has chosen the traditional format of mixed-sex couples and at the moment we have no plans to introduce same-sex couples in the competition.”

Strictly Come Dancing 2018 is back Saturday and Sunday on BBC One.