Strictly Come Dancing 2019 results! Who left? Second celebrity voted off

Tonight's Strictly Come Dancing 2019 results

Another celebrity has left Strictly Come Dancing 2019 in tonight’s results.

This weekend Strictly Come Dancing went to the movies, and the celebrity dancers and their professional partners gave their best Hollywood-inspired performances, as the fourteen couples each took to the dancefloor to impress the viewers at home – as well as judges Shirley Ballas, Motsi Mabuse, Bruno Tonioli and Craig Revel Horwood in the studio.

Tonight, David James and Anneka Rice had to dance again and it was Anneka who left Strictly Come Dancing this week.

Tonight’s Strictly Come Dancing 2019 results

In tonight’s Strictly Come Dancing results, the judges’ scores were combined with the results of the viewers’ votes to decide the lowest scoring two couples facing the dance off.

This week, that was Anneka Rice and professional partner Kevin Clifton, and David James and his partner Nadiya Bychkova.

Both couples performed their routines again, Anneka and Kevin performed their Charleston to Woo Hoo by The’s from the movie Kill Bill; and David and Nadiya performed their American Smooth to Kiss from a Rose by Seal from the movie Batman Forever, in a bid to impress the judges and remain in the competition.

After both couples had danced a second time the judges delivered their verdicts:

Craig Revel Horwood chose to save David & Nadiya: “For commitment and improvement, I’d like to save David & Nadiya.”

Motsi Mabuse chose to save David & Nadiya: “I felt a more emotional show, a stronger couple – I’m going to save David & Nadiya.”

Bruno Tonioli also chose to save David & Nadiya: “I would go for the couple that was more convincing and that delivered more under pressure, the performance was up a notch from Saturday night. David & Nadiya.”

Although her vote was not needed, Head Judge Shirley Ballas said she would have also chosen to save David & Nadiya.

When asked by Tess about her time on the show, Anneka said: “To be honest, I’d have saved David & Nadiya. I’ve just loved this whole thing; I’ve not one negative about the whole experience. We’ve worked really hard, I’m covered in bruises.

“I love this man; it’s been a joy to have that honour, that privilege of learning to dance.

“It’s a whole new world to me Tess. I love all that gang up there! Now I’ve got 11 and a half (dance) moves!

“My son is getting married next year, I’m determined to be able to shuffle onto the dance floor and not do my usual thing of handing out the canapes.”

Kevin was asked if he had any words for Anneka, he said: “You’ve put in so much commitment and so much effort. We worked about four hours on one step on that charleston and you delivered that waltz last week… then to come out and deliver that charleston – the improvement you’ve made, I’m so proud of you, it’s been an absolute joy.”

The remaining thirteen couples will take to the dancefloor again next week when Strictly Come Dancing returns on BBC One at 6:40PM.

Anneka and Kevin will live on Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two on the sofa with Rylan Clark-Neal for their first interview live on Monday 7th October from 6.30pm on BBC Two and BBC iPlayer.