Strictly Come Dancing 2018 results! Who left? Fifth celebrity voted off

Tonight's Strictly Come Dancing 2018 results

The fifth celebrity has left Strictly Come Dancing 2018 in tonight’s results.

This weekend Strictly Come Dancing’s celebrity dancers and their professional partners once again each took to the dancefloor, this time for the Halloween special.

They were out again to impress the viewers at home – as well as the line up of judges Bruno Tonioli, Shirley Ballas, Darcey Bussell and Craig Revel Horwood in the studio.

Seann Walsh and Graeme Swann had to dance again and it was Seann who went home.

Tonight’s Strictly Come Dancing 2018 results

In tonight’s Strictly Come Dancing results, the judges’ scores were combined with the results of the viewers’ votes to decide the lowest scoring two couples facing the dance off.

This weekend, that was Seann Walsh and his professional partner Katya Jones and Graeme Swann and his professional partner Oti Mabuse.

Both couples performed their routines again, Graeme and Oti performed their Cha Cha to Thriller by Michael Jackson and Seann and Katya performed their Viennese Waltz to I Put A Spell On You by Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, in a bid to impress the judges and remain in the competition.

After both couples had danced a second time, the judges delivered their verdicts with all four saving Graeme and Oti.

Craig said: “I think both couples did the best they could possibly do and it was better than their other performances. But one couple for me had timing issues; the other couple had placement issues but the dance that I liked the most and the couple that I’d like to save is Graeme and Oti.”

Darcey added: “This is always incredible difficult and both couples made mistakes evenly. But for me I will choose the couple that had the highest performance value and that was Graeme and Oti.”

Bruno agreed: “It’s a hard one because both of you are far from perfect, we’re not talking Fred Astaire or Gene Kelly but I enjoy you both so I have to go with the couple that made me enjoy the evening more so I have to go for Graeme and Oti.”

Although her vote didn’t change the outcome, Head Judge Shirley Ballas agreed with her fellow judges and said she also would have saved Graeme and Oti.

Katya was asked if she had any words for Seann, she said: “It wasn’t easy but thank you for your commitment every single day. We did twelve hours, it was amazing and I’m so proud of you from day one when you couldn’t get your right from your left and now delivering dances like that that. Thanks for making me laugh a lot”.

Seann himself added: “It’s an absolute miracle that I’ve gotten this far. I’ve been Neo from The Matrix, I’ve been used as a step of steps and even Craig a few weeks ago called me hot, it’s been a dream come true and that’s because of you.”

The remaining ten couples will take to the dancefloor again next week when Strictly Come Dancing returns on BBC One on Saturday evening at 6.50pm.