Sir David Attenborough to host Planet Earth III on BBC One this year


Planet Earth III comes to BBC One in 2023 with Sir David Attenborough.

The BBC has confirmed that the legendary broadcaster will present what will be the final trilogy of the landmark award-winning series.

Series Producer Mike Gunton said: “Planet Earth wouldn’t be Planet Earth without David, so I’m delighted he is presenting the third series. As ever, he has brought his huge enthusiasm and wisdom, has been encouraging about our new perspective and has, I know, really enjoyed seeing the extraordinary new wonders brought to the screen

Sir David Attenborough, filming for Wild Isles series, next to Common puffins (Fratercula arctica), Skomer Island, off Pembrokeshire coast, Wales
Sir David Attenborough on Skomer Island (Image: BBC/Alex Board /SIlverback Films)

“The opening of the series with David was filmed in the beautiful British countryside in exactly the location where Charles Darwin used to walk whilst thinking-over his Earth-shaking ideas about evolution.

“It seemed the perfect place for David to introduce Planet Earth III and remind us of both the wonders and the fragility of our planet. ….and for him, of course, the sun shined under blue skies one of the only days it did all summer!”

Planet Earth III
will air on BBC One and BBC iPlayer later in 2023 with a start date to be announced.

The eight-part documentary has been described as “the most ambitious natural history landmark ever undertaken by the BBC”.

A teaser shares: “The series will take the Planet Earth experience to new heights. It will take audiences to stunning new landscapes, showcase jaw-dropping newly-discovered behaviours, and follow the intense struggles of some of our planet’s most amazing animals.

“Across eight episodes, the series will have a truly global scale, with new technology central to its approach. Crews will spend longer in the field than ever before, and using the latest technology, including robotic cameras, stabilised rigs and deep submersibles, will take viewers from the highest mountains to the deepest oceans, from the darkest caves to the hottest deserts.”

Planet Earth originally debuted in 2006 before follow up Planet Earth II in 2016. There’s since been spin-off series include Blue Planet, and Frozen Planet.