SAS: Who Dares Wins 2021 contestants: Meet the final seven recruits

SAS: Who Dares Wins’s latest series concludes this weekend – but who will make the cut?

The final episode of the current series of SAS: Who Dares Wins airs on Sunday 13 June at 9pm on Channel 4.

With seven recruits left, the final episode will reveal who has got what it takes to pass this condensed version of SAS selection.

Those left – Adam, Connor, DJ, Justine, Kieran, Sean and Tyler – will first face a brutal interrogation before one final test on Dun Caan, the highest peak on the island.

Only the physically and mentally elite will have what it takes to pass selection.

Meet the final seven recruits below!


Tyler (18).
Tyler (18).

28-year-old Online Fitness Coach from Carlisle, Cumbria

Tyler says: “This experience has to be one of the most life-changing I have been through. It pushed me beyond both my mental and physical limits and really helped me understand so much about myself.

“It has to be my ultimate journey of self-discovery, from both a mental and physical perspective. It has taught me transferable skills that I can use in everyday life, and also how to be in complete control of my thoughts, fears and emotions. ”



Kieran (10).
Kieran (10).

25-year-old Dental Engineer / Electrician from South London / Now living in Cornwall

Kieran says: “It was one of the best experiences of my life so far. Words won’t and can’t do it any justice. It has been life changing in many ways, knowing I have the strength of character and self-resilience to cope with whatever is thrown at me, has made me very proud of myself and my achievement. The whole process is so realistic and it felt like we were being put through SAS selection. It forced me to push myself to my limit; both physically and mentally. I had to dig deep to find the strength I needed to carry on.

“It was in many ways a defining moment for me, the Kieran before and the Kieran after SAS: Who Dares Wins. I have spent a great deal of time reflecting on the process . How it pushed me to my absolute limits and how I was able to do that. It was a journey that mainly occurred within my head.

“I had to have a lot of conversations with myself, and I found that I was able to sort out issues and problems just through thought. I realised very quickly that I had to be my own biggest fan, my own motivator and my own source of encouragement. This was ultimately going to be the only way I could complete the course. Any self-doubt that crept into my thoughts had to be wrestled with and turned into something positive.”



DJ (9).
DJ (9).

35-year-old Salon Owner from Bedford

DJ says: “It was probably one of the best individual experiences of my life. This was a money can’t buy experience. Whilst on the course, I thought I would never miss the course of the punishments.

“However, once I got home, I missed being part of the course, quite severely. I missed the company and the friends and the whole experience.”



Sean (4).
Sean (4).

31-year-old Sports teacher and Head of Year from Manchester

Sean says: “The experience for me was by far one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. Physically and mentally, my mind, body and soul was taken to its depth. This is what makes it unique!

“I’m incredibly grateful for everything I’ve learned and whole heartedly returned to civilian life a better person than I was before I started the course.”



Justine (3).
Justine (3).

19-year-old self-employed from Brescia, Italy but now lives in Truro, Cornwall.

Justine says: “I haven’t been the same person since the day I left those gates. I left a completely changed person. I learnt more there than in my 18 years of life.

“The first few days were the worst, but on day three, Billy gathered us all on the parade square in the middle of the night and reminded us “how lucky we were to be there” and “how many people would love to be in our spots right now.” I realised he was right. Every year I’d dreamt of being on SAS: Who Dares Wins and from that moment onwards I embraced every challenge and took it day by day and made the most of it.

“That, of course, was made a whole lot easier being surrounded by some of the most incredible people I’ve ever met. And despite my age gap, we all got along extremely well and they were always there to help me with absolutely anything. It’s safe to say I’ve definitely made friends for life.”



Adam (19).
Adam (19).

34-year-old PMP Recruitment warehouse supervisor / Part time commercial actor/model from Cardiff

Adam says: “It was the best and worst experience of my life. I was anxious every time we were in the RV’s wondering what the hell they are going to put us through next. There was nowhere to hide, I was sleep deprived, hungry, wet, emotional.

“But in the same breath, I got to see amazing scenery from top of the hills/mountains we climbed. I got the chance to do things I would never have had the chance to do before. I met people I would never have crossed paths with and I learnt things from them. It was an experience I will cherish forever. ”



Connor (16).
Connor (16).

30-year-old Professional Irish Dancer from Newtownards, (Outside Belfast) Northern Ireland

Connor said: “My experience on SAS: Who Dares Wins was a rollercoaster of a ride, a truly life changing experience. It was the toughest thing I have ever done, but I can honestly say I loved every single minute; it was the best experience of my life!

“During the course you don’t think about being on TV for one second. The course is so real and authentic that your only focus is on survival, and you forget about everything outside of that. I came out of the course a changed man.

“I’ve always had confidence but now I believe I can overcome any obstacles that come before me. To learn from, be mentored and guided on a daily basis by such impressive former Special Forces operators was a privilege and something I’m very grateful for. ”