Naughty Boy admits trying to smuggle spices into I’m A Celeb camp


Naughty Boy tried to sneak spices into the I’m A Celebrity camp in tonight’s launch.

The music producer was one of ten celebs entering the castle camp on Sunday.

And as the stars prepared their first meal of rice and beans, he confessed that he had smuggled some spices into the camp.

Naughty Boy explained in the Telegraph: “Before I left, I grinded some spices that could make rice and beans actually taste a bit nice so what I did, I put it in my sock.

“There’s cumin seeds, cloves, turmeric, coriander seeds. If you could smell this. Wow. And black peppercorns.”

Naughty Boy left the Telegraph and explained to his campmates: “I had whole organic spices so I crushed some and I put it in cling film and I put it in my sock.

“I thought I was going to add it to the rice and beans and make it taste better but I asked them if it was ok if I used a bit because we’re suffering enough as it is and they confiscated it.”

The other celebrities looked at him as he explained – as Danny said “yeah they will”.

Richard added “It was really good of you to think of us like that.”

And later Richard said: “Well Naughty Boy had really lived up to his name. He smuggled in something for camp. I think that’s a real mark of character actually.

“And we’ve got to bend the rules a bit here and I can promise you, having spoken to everybody here, this is not going to be the last time that the rules are bent.”

I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! continues nightly at 9PM on ITV and ITV Hub, hosted by Ant and Dec.