The Island with Bear Grylls contestants couple up during filming


Two of The Island with Bear Grylls contestants coupled up during filming of the reality series.

The Island concludes with its fifth series on Channel 4 tonight (Tuesday, May 1).

A total of 16 contestants were sent to live an uninhabited pacific island with just the clothes on their back and a few basic survival tools.

As always, they filmed everything that happens themselves as they tried to survive for five weeks.

Despite the harsh environment, it seems as though two of the group became particularly close.

Laura Spence – a 28-year-old nurse from Newcastle and Phil McCrae – a 29-year-old Glazier from Peckham – apparently fell for one another as soon as they arrived on the island.

Phil said: “By week one, I fancied her. We spent almost every minute together. We just clicked.”

Laura revealed to the Daily Mirror newspaper: “I’d gone through a separation. I was having such a tough time, I wanted to remind myself of how capable I am.

“The last thing I expected was to meet somebody.”

Phil told the tabloid: “Neither of us expected to meet someone. In fact, it was the last thing on my mind. But to end up how it’s ended, well, that’s the ultimate prize for me.”

And chatting after filming, Laura declared: “After 35 days, we knew everything about each other. We fell in love on that island.”

This year, the two sets of contestants were grouped by their wages.

One group earns an average of £100,000 a year while the other – which included Laura and Phil – earned less than the national average.

It follows splits in past series between old and young groups and male and female groups.

“In a world where money has no meaning, who will survive?” asks Bear Grylls.

The Island With Bear Grylls airs on Channel 4. The final episode airs tonight at 10PM.

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