I’m A Celebrity’s Babatúndé pulls out of first trial in opening episode

Babatúndé Aléshé pulled out of the first trial on I’m A Celebrity 2022 tonight.

Tonight’s episode saw three of this year’s new cast – comedian Babatúndé, Lioness Jill Scott and Loose Women’s Charlene White – take on ‘The LEdge’.

Whisked off by a helicopter, the pair found themselves on top oft the iconic Focus building for an infamous I’m A Celebrity challenge.

Ant shared: “One at a time you’ve got to walk to the end of your planks. When all three of you are in position, on our cue, you’ve got to step onto the yellow ledge at the very end. You’ve got to lean forward, using a rope behind you to stop you falling off.”

im a celeb trial

Dec added: “There are three stars up for grabs here, each one of them is worth a meal for camp tonight. You need to remain on the ledge for 60 seconds. When the time’s up, in order to win your star, all you have to do is let go of the rope. Then gravity will take over.”

Ant noted: “If you fall from the ledge before your 60 seconds is up, you’ll automatically lose your star.”

A nervous Babatúndé joked: “It’s windy, that’s contributing to the water in my eyes…”

Jill said: “This is a very difficult task to get one star. I think you should get 10 if you complete this.”

Charlene was up first and walked bit by bit to the end of the plank. She was waiting for Babatúndé to reach the end next.

While he attempted to urge himself on, Babatúndé ultimately became the first of this year’s stars to utter the words “I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!”

Charlene then had to wait for Jill to get to the end before they could both lean forward. They completed the 60 seconds and both let go of the rope to complete the task and therefore earned two stars for camp.

Speaking about why he chose to forfeit his go and star, Babatúndé said: “I said I was determined to be here. I wasn’t determined to be there [pointing to the plank].”

I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! returned tonight (Sunday) on ITV, watch the next live episode tomorrow at 9PM (Monday) on ITV and ITV Hub.