Amanda & Alan’s Italian Job Series 2

Amanda Holden and Alan Carr in their new BBC TV show

Amanda Holden and Alan Carr are set for another adventure as they acquire their second one-euro house, this time nestled in the picturesque northern Tuscan countryside.

Captivated by the charm and history of an ancient structure, Alan invests in a 17th-century residence, complete with a medieval watchtower, located in the serene village of Fornovolasco.

He enlists his close friend Amanda to join him in transforming this derelict building into a stunning Italian abode over the summer. Upon their initial visit, they find the house abandoned since its last owner’s demise.

Confronted with moisture issues, decaying floors, and fractured windows, they realise a significant restoration project awaits them.

In the second episode, Amanda and Alan embark on their first significant renovation project, repurposing an old dining room into a Tuscan-style living room. However, choosing a colour scheme proves challenging, prompting them to seek inspiration in Riomaggiore’s vibrant fishing village.

Amanda Holden and Alan Carr

Their dilemma over colours soon becomes secondary when they realise the windows of their 17th-century house are beyond repair and need to be reconstructed from scratch. Fortunately, they can salvage another historical element: with Scott’s assistance, they restore the original chestnut ceiling beams. Alan also excels in crafting a distinctive panelled wall.

But it’s not just about renovation. The pair also explore the Apuan Alps, braving a thrilling 1,500-metre zip wire journey across the stunning Lake Vagli, a memorable escape from their hard work.

In the third episode, Amanda and Alan focus on their garden, a neglected mountain-side plot left wild for over a decade. Unsure of what plants suit the Tuscan climate, they consult gardening expert Warrie Price, who has nurtured a 15-acre garden for over 30 years.

Eager to bring Tuscan style into their garden, Alan visits historic Impruneta to find terracotta pots. There, he meets sisters Costanza and Gioia, who challenge him to craft a unique centrepiece. Meanwhile, Amanda enlists her mother Judith, a gardening enthusiast, to select plants at a local nursery. However, the trip takes an unexpected turn when Judith becomes smitten with a charming staff member.

Amanda Holden and Alan Carr hard at work

Episode four sees Alan spearhead the transformation of the first bedroom, embracing his bold design vision. Drawing inspiration from Florence, his beloved city known for its romantic and historical allure, Alan is set on incorporating a mural. However, Amanda is concerned that his boundless creativity might become overwhelming.

To perfectly capture his desired style, Alan visits Jane on the fringes of Tuscany’s capital. Her medieval residence, adorned with unique 14th-century frescos, serves as his muse. She suggests removing the bedroom ceiling to reveal potential hidden features. Eager to refurbish the existing furniture inherited with the house, Alan is disheartened to discover it’s infested with woodworm. To reignite his enthusiasm, Amanda takes him to the scenic Gulf of Poets.

Amanda & Alan’s Italian Job airs on BBC One on Friday at 8:30PM.