Dancing On Ice’s Brian McFadden may miss live show after injury

Dancing On Ice’s Brian McFadden has been left injured after an accident in training.

The Westlife singer is one of six celebs set to take to the ice this weekend in the second live round of performances.

But Brian suffered an injury in training on Saturday.

He’s partially dislocated his shoulder and damaged his rotator cuff and as a result had to sit out the rest of the day’s rehearsals.

Doctors are due to reassess Brian’s injury later today (Sunday) to see if he is able to skate in the live show this evening.

He said yesterday: “This is really frustrating for me because for week I’ve been nervous about getting here and nervous about just doing my first dress rehearsal in the studio. I do it and I love it and I was so happy, so relaxed, ready to go and this stupid shoulder has literally put me right back to the start again. But now I’m nervous and I don’t know what’s gonna happen.

“It’s so annoying cause all the work I’ve put in to get here and I felt so good after the dress rehearsal I was like ‘yes I’m ready to go’ and then now to possibly not even being able to do the show because of an injury. So annoying. So frustrating. And such a stupid thing to do as well.

“If I’d have fallen over on my skates or something but just to have been practicing lifts and pop out a shoulder is ridiculous.”

Brian added: “Right now it’s not my decision it’s gonna be the physio’s decision.

“She’s gonna look at it in the [Sunday] morning and if she’s happy for me to skate then I’ll do it but we’re probably gonna have to fix a few things because there a lot of things where I lift her straight above my head so we are gonna have to alter the routine going on how my shoulder is in the morning.”

Meanwhile, Brian’s fellow Dancing On Ice competitor Melody Thornton has revealed she landed on her face in her own training mishap.

The Pussycat Doll singer said: “I was trying to put one foot behinds the other and I stepped on my blade and went backwards flying but landed on my face. It was so intense. You immediately want to cry. It’s like when you’re a kid and you can’t help it.

“I’ve fallen on my hips and things and the bruising is like ‘wow, OK.'”

Alongside Brian and Alex and Melody and her pro partner Alexander Demetriou, the other celeb skaters performing Sunday will be Loose Women Saira Khan and Mark Hanretty; cricketer Ryan Sidebottom and Brandee Malto; actor Richard Blackwood and Carlotta Edwards and Love Island’s Wes Nelson and Vanessa Bauer.

The couple with the lowest combined judges’ scores and viewer votes will face the first skate off the series where one couple will be eliminated.

Dancing On Ice airs live tonight Sunday 13th January at 6pm on ITV.