Channel 5 pull Charlotte Crosby documentary after complaints

Channel 5 has pulled a documentary focused on reality star Charlotte Crosby.

Celebrities: What’s Happened to Your Face?, which aired on Channel 5 last week, saw a panel of surgeons commenting on Charlotte’s history of plastic surgery.

Following the episode, Charlotte hit out at Channel 5 and producers in a lengthy post on social media.

In response, Channel 5 has removed the documentary from its online My5 catch up service and issued an apology.

They said: “Channel 5 and the programme’s producers, Crackit Productions, take duty of care very seriously.

“While we acknowledge that the programme was OFCOM compliant, we have taken on board Charlotte’s feedback and removed the episode from our streaming platform My5. We apologise for any upset caused.”

In her original statement, Charlotte wrote: “In 2021, a main UK channel and production company believe it would be a good use of airtime, to dissect my physical appearance.

“I have seen how many of you saw it, switched off and complained – many not even ‘fans’ of me, just good people who know right from wrong. Thank you for that, and for your messages of love and support.

“I am aware I have put myself and my face in the public eye. TV and broadcasting had given me and my family a life we could never have dreamed of. I enjoy it, am enormously grateful for it and many of my respected closest friends work within the industry.

“I have had a public battle with my appearance, and have had to go through personal trauma & issues of self-confidence in the spot-light. I like to think I’m an honest, balanced person – I get it, I understand the interest.”

Charlotte continued: “One quick Google or look at my Instagram page, you’ll see how intensely I’ve been targeted by trolls and how I’ve learnt to ignore the hate, focus on the positives and work on loving myself again. It’s a process, it’s taken time, compassion, personal and professional support.

“At a time when the broadcast & media world were backing a policy of ‘be kind’, Channel 5 and Crackit decided to commission this one hour special on ‘rubber lip Charlotte’ (their words not mine).

“Their ‘experts’ dissected my ‘plastic face’ with disgust, discussing my fluctuating weight (with images), and then decided to flash up the worst troll comments from the past 5-6 years.”

Charlotte went on to reveal that her agent found out about the show in March of 2020 and made their objections clear

“She very clearly outlined to Crackit Porductions not just how immoral and insensitive it was but how detrimental this would be to my mental health. They ignored her, despite repeated correspondence, and ran with it regardless,” Charlotte added. “We only found out this week when it was in the TV listings that it was still going ahead – unbelievable.”

Charlotte concluded: “That hour could have been used to host a mental health documentary. That hour could have educated the public in the many issues & good causes which need publicity. That hour didn’t need to go after a 31-year-old woman for her appearance, choices and ‘rubber lips.’

“When is enough enough? Just because we’re in the public eye, doesn’t mean we aren’t human. Fortunately I’m strong enough to deal with that but many aren’t!”