Big Brother’s Hallie accused of acting up to the cameras

Hallie has been accused of faking her tantrums for the cameras on Big Brother.

Last night’s episode saw this week’s shopping task begin and many housemates weren’t happy.

It saw the house transform into ‘Big Brother’s Happy Happy Happy Camp’ with housemates having to spend the day and night outside.

Hallie in the Diary Room

Hallie and Kerry became particularly frustrated with the task, which saw housemates having to set up tents in the mud and spend hours standing in the rain.

In a Diary Room rant, Hallie complained: “Big Brother, I am not impressed. I want some food and I want to be a VIP glamper and I want a warm shower and I want a proper toilet.”

But Hallie’s rants have seen some of the other housemates questioning her authenticity.

In a chat with Chanelle, Jenkin said: “She’s a really nice girl and you, it’s really sad she’s been pushed like this and I feel like she’s doing it for the camera I think she acts up to them and that doesn’t impress any one.

“And I think, when she likes goes off like this, for some people that’s entertaining because she’s not being herself.”

He added: “That’s what I find the most hardest thing, I feel a lot of it is for show and I find it hard to have a conversation with her because she’s constantly staring at the camera.”


Jenkin isn’t the only one who has been accusing Hallie of playing up to the cameras, with many viewers suggesting she was copying late legendary housemate Nikki Grahame.

One posted on X: “I understand Hallie wanting a Nikki Grahame moment but it’s coming across a bit forced ”

“Stop trying to be like Nikki Graham , Hallie – Boring,” shared a second.

And a third agreed: “Does Hallie think she’s charmingly angry like Nikki? Because she’s really not.”

Big Brother continues nightly on ITV2 and ITVX at 9PM.

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