Big Brother UK spoiler! New twist this weekend to shake up the house

Big Brother is set to stir things up in the house this weekend with a new twist.

Fresh from the latest eviction which saw Zak given the boot on Friday, Big Brother has a new surprise planned for the remaining housemates.

Revealing Big Brother’s latest games on spin-off show Late & Live, AJ Odudu spilled: “Big Brother is going to call a house meeting and the housemates will have to ‘spill the tea’ on one another.


“They’ll have to let each other know what they really feel. I for one, am excited!”

AJ added: “I can also reveal that there’s going to be a chairperson holding court over the whole thing, juicy!”

The housemates will also be facing their next shopping task where they’ll become ANTS.

The group have to dress up as the insects as they are split into two rival ant colonies.

Stay tuned for the latest from the drama to come…

Meanwhile, housemates have reacted to the latest eviction results.

In the Diary Room, a tearful Noky told Big Brother: “I’m gutted that Zak’s left, I think everyone knows here that Zak is someone I shared so many good memories with in here. He’s someone I get on with so well, he’s like a brother to me.

“So, yeah, it’s going to be really hard to be in this house without him. I don’t think it’s really hit me just yet.But I’m sure it’ll start to sink in in the next couple of days.”

Noky in the Big Brother Diary Room

Meanwhile Kerry has spoken out after hearing chants of ‘Get Kerry Out’ during the live shows.

She appeared to put the chants down to her clashes with Zak and wanting Henry to stay.

“I never really gelled with Zak… Zak used to get on my nerves a bit,” she said. “I’ve been very honest and team Henry and that’s why I got booed.”

Big Brother continues Sunday night at 9PM on ITV2.

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