The Apprentice receives over 100 complaints over ‘sexism’

The Apprentice has received more than 100 complaints over one of its task.

At the start of this month, the then remaining candidates faced a fashion task.

For the challenge, the contestants had to become fashion agents that sold a range of garments for up and coming designers.

The two rival teams had to select a designer, then plan and organise a catwalk show, as well as put together a magazine cover to supplement their sales campaign.

But the antics from some of the candidates towards the models prompted complaints.

The BBC received 158 objections over scenes which saw candidates Elizabeth McKenna and Michaela Wain auditioning male models.

One viewer tweeted: “Open sexism on @BBCOne #TheApprentice tonight. Women objectifying men without any consideration. Sexism is not just one way @karren_brady #canthaveitbothways”

Another posted: “Very disappointed in the sexism shown towards the male models tonight on #TheApprentice. Not a great example of women in business. How on earth did that get through the edit @BBC ?”

And a third added: “Nice bit of sexism tonight with a woman asking a man to expose flesh. Imagine if it were the other way #theapprentice”

In response to the complaints, the BBC said: “We received complaints from some viewers that the candidates behaved inappropriately in the male model casting audition.

“We raised audience concerns with The Apprentice production team. They would like to reassure everyone that neither the models nor anyone present during the filming of the scene felt that anyone’s behaviour was inappropriate, nor were they unhappy with the events portrayed on screen.

“The audition was intended to be viewed as being light-hearted, which was very much in the spirit of the events that the candidates were tasked with planning.”

The Apprentice final airs this Sunday night on BBC One.

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