The Repair Shop tonight (BBC One)

The Repair Shop experts group photo

The Repair Shop returns to BBC One this evening, welcoming more guests to the barn.

Jay Blades and his team embark on a journey to rejuvenate four treasured family heirlooms, each imbued with distinct histories and sentimental significance.

The Repair Shop tonight

This evening (Wednesday, 14 January) sees a repeat episode at 8PM on BBC One.

Jay Blades and his team restore four treasured family heirlooms, reviving memories along with them.

Heather McPherson and her grandson Jacob bring a significant pine table, originally owned by Heather’s great-grandmother, for restoration by Will Kirk. The table, central to family gatherings and memories, especially for Jacob, who associates it with his late father, is repaired to continue hosting family meals.

A unique task arrives with Grant Harvey and his mum Tracey: a pair of worn clown shoes once belonging to Grant’s great-uncle Bert, a factory worker by day and a clown by night. Master cobbler Dean Westmoreland takes on the challenge to preserve the memory of Bert’s joy-bringing clown persona.

Sue and John Cox entrust David Burville with a Victorian diorama of a horse-racing scene, a family heirloom believed to be crafted by John’s grandfather. The diorama, damaged decades ago by a young John, requires delicate restoration to bring it back to its former glory.

Lastly, Tom Rollason seeks help for Blue Bear, a teddy bear that has been with him since birth, symbolizing the bond with his mother. The bear, now worn and missing parts, is given a new lease of life by Amanda and Julie, ensuring it can continue to represent Tom’s cherished family connection.

How to apply for The Repair Shop?

Applications for The Repair Shop are open now!

The BBC asks: “If you have a treasured item that’s seen better days and you think our experts can help, please get in touch now!

You can apply for the show online now via the BBC website here.