The Cabins continues on ITV2 tonight as couples share their first kisses.
It’s day two of the new reality dating show which sees singletons looking for love by immediately moving in together.
The first episode saw three couples pair up and spend 24 hours getting to know one another.
At the end of their day and night long date, all three pairs decided to extend their stay by another 24-hours in a bid to get to know each other better.
In tonight’s show, in Stag’s Mount, Tom pulls out all the stops as he organises a cosy set-up complete with blankets and candles outside the cabin for him and Olivia to watch the sunset.

As the pair snuggle up, Tom says: “It’s gorgeous isn’t it? Sunset isn’t too bad either!”
The windy conditions have got Olivia feeling the cold, she says: “I wonder how long we’ll last out here.”
Getting closer to Olivia, Tom says: “I give it five minutes.”
Impressed by Tom’s efforts, Olivia says: “I really appreciate this. It’s really cute.”
The couple take in the gorgeous surroundings as Tom makes his move to kiss Olivia.
Later, Olivia gets tearful as she admits she often goes for the wrong type of men. Tom comforts her as they discuss how she’s feeling and why.
What does the rest of their stay have in store for them?
In Otter’s Pocket, things heat up as Charlotte and Sarah spend time in the hot tub as the pair confess their first impressions of one another.

Charlotte reveals, “I was like ‘she is really hot’.”
Sarah laughs: “I’m ok with that.”
Charlotte then adds: “And then I was like ‘she is a bit out of my league’. I definitely thought that.”
Surprised by Charlotte’s admission, Sarah says “Don’t say that. That would upset me if you thought that.”
Charlotte then jokes: “I don’t now that I know you!”
Sarah then explains: “I’ve always been told the only thing I’ve got is my looks. Leagues aren’t a thing. I would hope someone would say I’m the person they want to be with because I’m funny, or I can talk or make them feel better.
“I’d hate someone to be like I’m with her because she’s fit. You’ve got to be attracted to someone… at the end of the day everyone gets old.”

In bed the pair share a kiss. But is this duo looking to keep checking in, or is a check out looming?
Meanwhile, over at Beaver’s Burrow Abraham and Sofia are sitting outside on the balcony of the Cabin. Holding his guitar, Abraham prepares to show Sofia his musical side.
Playing a tune, Abraham says: “I’ve really enjoyed our time at The Cabins so far. I’ve learnt a lot about you. I need to say you’re very good looking. I thought I would just start off by saying that.
“The fact that your personality matches, I feel like I’ve just won the lottery. I think me complimenting you does bring out that smile. I like that a lot!”
But as the day goes on Sofia questions whether Abraham is interested in her and is confused by his reaction to information she shares about her family and isn’t sure if it’s genuine.
And as another night falls, Abraham gets ready to sleep downstairs once again.

Is Abraham keen to take things slow or is Sofia well and truly in the friendzone?
Once again at the end of the episode, all three Cabins receive a letter letting them know that their Cabin is available to stay in for another 24-hours.
Who will stay another night and who will call time on their date?
The Cabins continues tonight at 9PM on ITV2.