The £100k Drop has its biggest win yet as two brave players share £75,000

David and Jonathan become show's most successful pair after splitting on just one question

Channel 4 gameshow The £100k Drop has crowned its biggest winners to date, David and Jonathan, after they bagged a huge £75,000.

A daytime revival of The Million Pound Drop, the quiz gives pairs of players £100,000 in real cash to gamble on seven questions.

Money can be spread across multiple answers – but anything on the wrong ones falls down the Drop.

Today’s episode featured David and Jonathan, best friends of 26 years, who say they share a “good mix” of knowledge.

Despite this, Jonathan predicted: “We are gonna find out stuff that neither of us know.”

However, they proved themselves to be not just brainy, but gutsy – by splitting on just one question.

The £100k Drop contestants win £75,000

They held on to the entire £100,000 throughout the first four rounds, only stumbling at question five.

It was: “Which of these actors was youngest when the film in which they played Batman was first released?”

The duo survived with the £75,000 placed on Val Kilmer, and kept it through to the all-or-nothing final.

They were asked: “Which of these European countries is home to more UNESCO World Heritage Sites?”

Initially there was some disagreement, with Jonathan saying his gut feeling was Greece, while David thought Italy.

After some further thought, they settled on Italy.

“Although, Greece of course was just nation states, where as Italy was all over,” Jonathan pondered.

An agonising few moments later, the result was revealed – and the jubilant pals found out Italy was indeed correct.

“Greece is home to eighteen sites, but Italy is home to more than fifty,” explained presenter Davina McCall, who gave them a case to pile the money in to.

“You guys have played a blinder of a game,” she added. “In all the years, that I’ve made this show, I’ve never seen a game quite like it.”

David and Jonathan’s £75,000 victory makes them the biggest winners in terms of jackpot share, across both versions of the show.

Had they been playing The Million Pound Drop instead of The £100k Drop, they’d have bagged an eye-watering £750,000.

The previous record was set by comedian Jack Whitehall and his father Michael when they won £300,000 on The Million Pound Drop in 2012.

Jack and Michael’s six-figure sum remains the largest amount of money won.

The £100k Drop continues every weekday at 4.00pm on Channel 4, and 7.00pm on 4seven.