Love Island’s Alex George and Alexandra Cane get close out on a date


Love Island’s Alex George and Alexandra Cane are back on track tonight as they head out on a date.

Alex and Alexandra have had a rocky start to their romance but things are now looking up for the pair.

After Alex chose to recouple with Alexandra, in this evening’s episode the couple are sent out on a date.

They receive a text: “Alexandra and Alex, you are heading out for some one on one time. Please get ready to leave the villa #repeatprescription #ohhell”

Both dress in their best for the afternoon, and as they sit and converse, Alex is quick off the mark with the compliments: “This is the first date I’ve had in seven weeks properly out of the villa. I’m with a beautiful girl as well. I told you black was your colour.”

Alex and Alexandra
Alex and Alexandra

Alexandra reveals that the date is a marked improvement on their first date: “It’s definitely an improvement on our first date. I was a bag on nerves. I didn’t know what I was saying.”

As they discuss previous dates, Alexandra talks about the best date she’s ever been on: “My best date was probably in London. Someone hired out a restaurant for me and there was a piano in the basement, and he sat and played the piano for me for 20 to 30 minutes.”

Alex intervenes: “I can’t play the piano. I can play the guitar, will that work?”

Alex then rationalises his behaviour over the past week: “Obviously it’s a been a bit of a turbulent start. I just wanted to say obviously I think when we got to know each other the pressure did get to me a little bit. On the outside, I’m someone who, if things move very quickly I panic, and I run away a little bit.”

Alexandra is then eager to explain why she reacted in the way she did to Alex expressing an interest in the new arrivals: “I think this whole experience has kind of made me realise my insecurities and what I’ve previously run away from with previous relationships.

“When you kind of mentioned that you wanted to experience getting to know other people, in my head it shouldn’t have been a big deal. But it was and a kind of made it a bigger deal than necessary because I just, I’ve felt like that before.

“And it was almost like ‘uh oh, signals are here’ and I just shut myself off and just kind of changed direction without a second thought.”

Alex responds, admitting he has learned from previous errors: “For me it’s just like if I feel like things are moving too quickly, I don’t know whether I wanted even to get to know Laura particularly, I think it was just an escape mechanism that I just didn’t want to rush into something.

“I wouldn’t like to say the phrase ‘changed man’ because I always panic a little bit like that, but certainly I think it’s made me realise you don’t have to be like that, sometimes if things are good just keep going with them. Don’t panic, don’t run away.”

Excited at where things are now heading with Alex, Alexandra assures him: “Well I definitely am very proud of your confidence. I definitely fancy you a lot, and last night in bed was a really moment, to be able to cuddle you and kiss you.

“It was really nice to be able to share a bed with you and just be next to you, and feel a lot closer and more comfortable being around you.”

Alex and Alexandra
Alex and Alexandra

Alex surmises where things now stand between them: “You came in obviously around week six for me. I waited all that time to meet someone I was compatible with. It’s been a long wait. So it’s been a really nice second date.

“Our first proper date out of the villa. That blip we’ve had is done. We’ve got over that. We’re continuing to grow and I’m very excited.”

With that, the pair conclude their date by sharing a kiss, and when both return to the villa, Alex is gushing in the Beach Hut: “The date was absolutely fantastic. I think it probably goes down as the best date I’ve ever had.”

Love Island 2018 airs tonight at 9PM on ITV2.