Here’s a spoiler-filled look ahead to tonight’s dramatic recoupling results on Love Island 2018 tonight.
In tonight’s show, in the main villa, Megan gets a text: “Girls tonight there will be a recoupling in which you must decide whether to remain coupled up with your boy who has been living in Casa Amor or twist and recouple with a new boy. #StickOrTwist #WheresYourHeadAt”
In Casa Amor, Dr Alex gets a text: “Boys, tonight there will be a recoupling in which you must decide whether to remain coupled up with your partner back in the villa or recouple with a new girl. #StickOrTwist #CasaNoMore”
Caroline then enters the main villa where the original girls and new boys are gathered around the fire pit.
Caroline says: “Girls stay where you are. Boys come and stand with me.”

Caroline tells Megan, Dani, Georgia, Laura, Ellie and Samira: “As you know, tonight there will be a recoupling. Girls you each have a big decision to make.
“I will now ask you one by one if you want to stick with your current partner who has been living in Casa Amor for the past few days, or if you want to recouple with one of these handsome boys. The boys in Casa Amor have also been given the choice of whether they want to stick with you or recouple with one of the new girls.”
“Megan, I’m going to start with you, please stand up. As your partner Eyal was dumped from the Island, you are officially single. But before the boys left for Casa Amor, you were romantically involved with Wes.
“Now you have the choice. You can stay single and if Wes has [not brought a new girl back], you two could pick up where you left off. Or has one of the new boys caught your eye?”
Megan replies: “Although I was getting to know Wes, I feel like I’ve had a really good connection with one of the new boys. He is genuine, he is fun and I really fancy him so I’ve decided to couple up with one of the new boys.”
Caroline then asks her: “And who would you like to couple up with?”
Megan decides: “Alex.”
Caroline tells them: “Congratulations guys, you are our first couple. Alex, go and join Megan.”
Caroline continues: “Now we also had a single boy over at Casa Amor, Adam, who has been single since Zara was dumped from the Island. It’s now time to find out if Adam has stayed single or coupled up with one of the new girls.”
Next, starting with Ellie, one by one, the rest of the girls stand up and decide if they want to stick with their boy who has been staying in Casa Amor, or whether they want to recouple with one of the new boys.
To Laura, Caroline says: “You were coupled up with Wes before the boys left for Casa Amor. But as we know you guys had broken up and Wes had been getting closer to Megan. The choice is still yours though. Would you like to stick with Wes or would you like to recouple?”

Laura shares her decision before Wes walks back into the villa alone. Because Wes didn’t bring a new girl back from Casa Amor, he is now single.
Finally, Georgia makes her decision whether she wants to stay loyal to Josh, or recouple with one of the new boys. What decision will she make?
After toying with his decision over the past few days in Casa Amor – whilst getting close to Kazimir – will Josh return to Georgia or bring a new girl back from Casa Amor? Will Georgia be left single or will the couple reunite?
Love Island 2018 airs tonight at 9PM on ITV2.
More on: Love Island