Love Island 2018’s new girls go dating – will Alex finally find love?

Love Island 2018 news and spoilers

Love Island 2018’s new girls Ellie Brown and Zara McDermott go dating in tonight’s show.

Fresh from their entrance last night, this evening Ellie gets a text which she reads to the Islanders: “It’s time to play the field. Tonight you will have dinner with three boys of your choice. One boy will prepare the starter, one will prepare the main course and the third boy will prepare dessert. Please now make your choices #dishydates #whosonthemenu”

Ellie deliberates who to pick before announcing she would like Josh for starter, Wes for main course and Alex for dessert.

In the Beach Hut, Alex says: “I feel pretty good about it. I think it’s always good to go last right? Let the others warm up, she can see that she doesn’t like them and then I can come in, knight in shining armour, the horseman maybe and hopefully impress. I’m very excited.”

In the Beach Hut, Laura talks about how she feels that Wes will go on a date with Ellie: “Obviously I’m not over the moon that Wes is going on a date with Ellie but I’m going to try and be controlled. I feel a little bit sad. I am just feeling so insecure and it’s rubbish. I’m a confident woman what is wrong with me?!”

Ellie and Wes
Ellie and Wes

Laura isn’t letting her insecurities lie and speaks to some of the girls: “You know when you can just see something happening before it happens? I just think Ellie and Wes will get together 100 per cent. I just feel like he’s bored of me. I just get this feeling. You get a gut feeling.”

Meanwhile, Zara announces she would like Alex for starter, Eyal for main course and Adam for dessert.

Alex is over the moon to have two dates – could Dr Love’s luck finally be changing?

Adam is also pleased to be going on a date with Zara – despite being currently coupled up with Rosie.

In the Beach Hut, Adam says: “I’m quite excited to get to know Zara a bit. I’m glad she picked me to go on a dinner date with her. Dessert is my course so I’m guessing she must have a bit of a sweet tooth and she’s saving the best until last.”

Before his dates, Alex gets some tips from the rest of the boys.

He admits: “If it goes well I might go for the kiss tonight!”

In the Beach Hut, Alex says: “It’d be nice to have a little smooch wouldn’t it if the moment is there. I think that’d be quite nice.”


On his first date with Zara, Alex is told: “I find you endearing. Within two minutes of speaking to you, I knew there was a side to you that either no one had brought out yet or we just haven’t seen. You came in here and you had such a rocky start and now you’ve just hit the jackpot, you’ve got two girls who are interested.”

Alex admits: “I feel like it was such a confidence knock [at the beginning]… I’m glad you’ve taken me on a date and I’d quite like to get to know you more and see what happens.”

The date between Alex and Zara seems to be going well but will he get on better with Ellie?

Love Island 2018 airs tonight at 9PM on ITV2.