Is Alone fake? Behind the scenes of new Channel 4 reality show

Here’s all about how new Channel 4 series Alone is filmed as the show comes to UK screens.

Already a long-running series in other countries, this is the first ever British version of the show.

It sees a group of eleven contestants left alone in the remote wilderness. The last contestant left standing wins a prize fund of £100,000.

Alone Channel 4

Where is Alone filmed?

The series was filmed on land around the Mackenzie River, in the Dehcho region of Northwest Territories, Canada.

The land used for the filming of Alone is uninhabited by humans with each of the competitors dropped a minimum of 1 mile away from one another in their own designated area of around 3.75 square miles.

Before arriving, the contestants were allowed to choose 10 survival items from a list of 53 essential items ranging from axes and bows to cooking pots and toothpaste.

Additionally, each of the contestants were provided with first aid kits as well as satellite phones and a GPS device which they must carry at all times, allowing the production team to monitor the competitors’ whereabouts.

Before starting their journeys, those taking part were also given full safety training on the best way to handle animal encounters and had training in remote trauma first aid.

Is the show staged?

No – there aren’t even camera crews with the contestants. Instead, each competitor was given 5 cameras with multiple mounts, enabling them to film themselves by holding, wearing or fixing cameras to objects nearby.

At the end of filming, all of the shelters were dismantled and all traps and snares located and removed once a competitor ‘tapped out’.

Contestants can ‘tap out’ and quit any time by using their satellite phone. Alternatively, competitors may be forced to withdraw if they cannot continue due to injury or ill health, such as losing too much weight.

The Alone contestants in a group shot
The Alone contestants. Back: L-R Javed, Naomi, Mike, Louie, Elise, Tom, Pip, Kian. Front: L-R Laura, Alan, Eva

Ranging in age from 19 to 58, the contestants on the first series of Alone UK don’t fit the mould of hardcore survival enthusiasts; instead, they are regular individuals in pursuit of an extraordinary experience, each drawn to this moment by distinct motivations.

As they navigate the wilderness, their personal narratives unfold, revealing their authentic identities. The series not only presents a gritty test of survival skills but also offers a profound glimpse into the resilience of the human spirit against daunting odds.

Alone airs Sunday nights at 9PM on Channel 4. You can also watch online via

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