I’m A Celebrity: Giovanna Fletcher becomes new camp leader


Giovanna Fletcher beame the new I’m A Celebrity camp leader in tonight’s episode.

In this evening’s show, Victoria announced that Giovanna would be the new camp leader after a public vote.

Giovanna said: “This is a bit of a surprise. I’ll be honest, I’ve been eying up that chair – that football scarf can do one as now I’m in town.”

Giovanna chose Beverley to be her deputy.

Bev said: “I’m thrilled to be deputy. I’m really honoured that she chose me.”

They divvied up the camp chores putting Vernon and Vic on cooking duties, camp maintenance is Mo and Shane, camp cleaners Jordan and Hollie, laundry Ruthie and Russell and washing up Jess and AJ.

Speaking in the Telegraph AJ said: “If you do a job too well you get given a job, don’t you? I’m happy with my role. Yeah, I don’t know why I’m talking high pitched, but I’m happy.”

Jordan in the Telegraph added: “I’m actually feeling better that I’ve actually got something to do and I’m not just sitting their bone idle.”

Previously on washing up duties, Shane jokingly threw his tin on the floor after finishing his meal, but put it in the bucket for cleaning afterwards.

Also on tonight’s show, Shane played a wind-up game on some of his fellow campmates.

In the Telegraph Shane explained the gag: “You just talk all these words and just give one buzzword. Christie said, ‘Shane please don’t do that in there because it’s annoying.’ But it makes me laugh. I said I’m going to do it to Jordan later.”

Jordan was left completely confused as Shane kept dropping the word ‘policeman’ into nonsensical sentences saying: “What are you on about? I have no idea what you’re going on about.”

Jordan in the Telegraph said: “I don’t know. I honestly don’t know. I don’t know if it’s me because I’m a bit tired today.”

Shane later tried the same trick with Giovanna.

Giovanna said: “You’re winding us up.”

Continuing the gag Shane said: “You’re winding me up because you were there.”

I’m A Celebrity continues nightly on ITV.