Harry & William: What went wrong? ITV airs special documentary

ITV is to air a one-off special documentary exploring the relationship between Princes William and Harry.

Harry & William: What went wrong? will air tonight (Sunday 4 July) at 9PM on ITV and the ITV Hub.

A synopsis of the hour-long show shares: “ITV’s ‘Oprah with Meghan and Harry’ laid bare a rift between Princes William and Harry that it seems has simmered for years.

“Yet, when the Princes were younger, they were hailed as the future of the Royal Family, inseparable brothers with a bond between them that was forged as they supported one another through the trauma of the tragic loss of their mother, Diana. So, what has gone wrong between them?”

ITV say that the documentary will hear from key royal insiders in an attempt to get to the bottom of this royal rift, and in doing so explore issues that go to the heart of the debate about the future of the monarchy.

The channel shares: “It will explore how the trauma of the loss of their mother helped shape the Princes, but also how the very public divorce of their parents helped shape William, and how both Princes view the media.

“It will explore how the traditional way of doing things within the Royal Family was shaken by the arrival of Meghan – an independently successful woman, a passionate campaigner, – and how this has affected the attitudes of William and Harry to one another.

“It will reveal tension before Harry’s engagement to Meghan and explore allegations that many of the negative stories about Harry and Meghan were the result of briefings from within the palace.”

Harry & William: What went wrong? airs on Sunday, 4 July at 9PM on ITV and ITV Hub.

Picture: Toby Melville – WPA Pool/Getty Images

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