Dirty Rotten Scammers: Michelle Ackerley and her mum to front new BBC series


BBC One has announced new daytime series Dirty Rotten Scammers, investigating the rise in cyber fraud.

The new series will examine the world of cyber enabled fraud, hacking and other internet led crime.

Presented by Michelle Ackerley and her mum, Mavis, the series meets with victims of online crime and learns the stories of how their information may have come to be compromised.

A synopsis of the show shares: “Michelle and Mavis have both been the victims of hackers and have had their details used on several occasions, so they want to help others find out what simple steps they can take to overhaul their digital footprint.

“Alongside the contributor stories, Michelle and Mavis will be speaking to a number of experts – including the police, cyber experts, consumer champions, representatives from banks and more – to find out what the red flags viewers at home should be on the lookout for.

“It will also follow the operational activity of police officers trying to quell the rising tide of cyber related fraud in the UK.”

Michelle Ackerley said: “This new series will shine a light on just how common these frauds are and give viewers all the info they need to stay safe online. I’m also chuffed to bits to have the opportunity to be working on my first ever series alongside my mum, and know that she won’t be letting any scammers get away with anything on her watch!”

Caroline Short, Executive Producer at programme makers ITN Productions, Leeds, said: “No-one is immune from having their details stolen and used online. So many of us are now experiencing scam calls, texts, and emails on a daily basis and sometimes it’s hard to know what’s real and what’s not.

“This series aims to empower viewers to protect themselves, and arm them with all the information they need, so they don’t fall foul of these Dirty Rotten Scammers!”

The show will air across 15 episodes on BBC One with a start date to be confirmed.

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