Big Brother’s Olivia fumes and breaks down over punishment


Olivia is left in tears and fuming at Big Brother in tonight’s episode.

It follows both her and Chanelle being punished for nominations talk.

As a result of their disregard for the rules, Chanelle had her immunity revoked, once again allowing her to be nominated during this week’s nominations.

Big Brother's Chanelle and Olivia

Meanwhile two-time rule breaker Olivia was punished by having nominating privileges revoked, plus an additional punishment of having to write lines of “I must not break the rules.” 600 times for Big Brother.

Olivia and Chanelle both do not take their respective punishments lying down.

In a conversation with Tom whilst nominations ensue, Chanelle complains: “My main priority now is the fact that the house thinks I’m probably like a two-faced bitch for just saying that my friends are my friends.”

“I don’t want to be painted in a f**king bad way for having my friends back, do you know what I mean?”

As Olivia worked through her punishment, she became visibly tearful.

She tries to Matty: “I’m being painted out to be the worst person in this place.”

He replies: “I’d be the first to say if you were painted out to a bitch in this scenario but you’re not at all Olivia.”

Later, as most of the housemates are in the garden, she vents to Chanelle and Tom: “When Yinrun got put in f**king jail, I was the person out there singing, dancing and f**king chanting but everyone’s happy to watch me write f**king lines.

“I am going on Friday, I’d rather take the f**king control and walk out the f**king door with dignity,” she says tearfully.,

Chanelle tries to reassure her: “You’re not going anywhere.”

Olivia concludes: “It’s f**king winding me up.”

Later and Big Brother gathers the group for the results of this weeks nominations which leave a record number of housemates facing what will be another DOUBLE eviction this Friday.

You can find out exactly who is facing the public vote this week, and how the housemates reacted to the latest rule break in tonight’ss episode.

Big Brother continues this evening at 9PM on ITV2 and ITVX.

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