Ashley Banjo teases potential project with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle


Diversity star Ashley Banjo has teased a future project with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

It follows Ashley revealing how the pair had contacted him following the controversy over Diversity’s Britain’s Got Talent performance last year.

Speaking to FUBAR Radio about his phone call with the royals after the group’s Black Lives Matter inspired dance on BGT, the dancer coyly teased that there are future projects between them in the pipeline.

He said: “I think the paths might cross at some point, I’m not sure how. There’s been a couple of conversations, but, yeah. I’m hoping that our paths cross. That’s all I’m going to say. Keep it under wraps as they say.”

Ashley added to hosts Bobby Norris and Stephen Leng on Access All Areas: “We’ve got loads of like loads of common ground, things that we just both relate on.”

And when Bobby joked that their blossoming friendship could lead to some one-to-one dance lessons in the future, Ashley replied: “Do you know what? I’ve heard that Harry can bust a move, so maybe. You just know he’s a party boy. You know he can get down.”

Recalling his chat from the pair, Ashley continued: “At the time the conversation was really needed.

“It was just one of many conversations I had that was like, got me through that sort of like really deep, like dark period.”

Diversity’s routine last year sparked nearly 30,000 Ofcom complaints, making it the second highest complained about TV moment ever.

Discussing the struggles he felt at that time, Ashley said: “You feel like when you’re on socials that like so many people at you.

“So every single message of positivity with people supporting made the difference between me thinking that the whole country was against Diversity to thinking that there was a majority of support.

“That was basically down to the phone calls and the messages and the comments from the people that were there. So I’m forever grateful for them.”

While attracting complaints, Diversity’s performance also saw acclaim with the routine picking up a BAFTA in Sunday night’s TV awards ceremony.

Picking up the award, Ashley said: “Thank you to every person who stood by us and every phone call, text, comment, DM, you guys made a difference in what was a really dark time – being in a storm of what was 30,000 complaints, a torrent of racially charged abuse, stress – but that support made a difference.

“In a way I have to say thank to those that did complained, that did that abuse because you showed the truth. You showed exactly why this performance and moment was necessary.

“But this is what change looks like and I’m so proud to be standing here, so thankful.”