YouTuber Jack Maynard wants to ‘do the internet proud’ on I’m A Celebrity


YouTuber Jack Maynard wants to ‘do the internet proud’ as he enters I’m A Celebrity.

Jack is set to become the first ever YouTube vlogger to go on I’m A Celebrity – and he can’t wait to share with his camp mates what life working on the Internet is really like.

Readily admitting he is chuffed to bits to have been picked ahead of so many other rival vloggers to go in the famous ITV Jungle, the 22-year-old Internet sensation says he hopes to do the social media world ‘proud’.

“We are the most famous people you’ve never heard of…” he said before entering. “One of the main reasons I am definitely doing it is to be the first YouTuber to go on a show that is so massive in this country.

“That is quite amazing. You can’t get anything more high profile than this and it’s going to lead to so many other great opportunities.

Jack Maynard
Jack Maynard

“I can’t wait to find out what!”

He added: “To be the first vlogger is a game changer. Hopefully I can do the Internet proud.

“You are respected by the younger generation and YouTube is changing the game. By doing this programme, it’s going to be nice to show older viewers [what vloggers are all about].”

But despite being in the jungle, Jack won’t be silent online during his stay.

“I am going to pre-record some films before I go in to camp,” he revealed. “Someone else is going to operate my Twitter account for me.

“That’s my job and I can’t go silent for that long.”

Meanwhile, during his stint on I’m A Celebrity, Jack will be celebrating his birthday.

“Hopefully they will be nice to me for a day or at least an hour!” quipped Jack. “What a cool way to celebrate your birthday by saying you are in the Australian Jungle.”

I'm A Celebrity cast

I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here begins on Sunday, November 19 at 9PM with hosts Ant and Dec.

And straight after you can catch new spin off show Extra Camp on ITV2.

This year, the show will be hosted live every night by current Queen of the Jungle Scarlett Moffatt; 2016 runner up and comedian Joel Dommett and Jungle favourite and former King of the Jungle Joe Swash.