X Factor singer Lauren Murray releases new single Boss Girl


X Factor singer Lauren Murray has released her new single Boss Girl.

The track inspires a mini Boss Girls “documentary”, which is to air soon.

Lauren became a house hold name on X Factor 2015 where she was mentored by Rita Ora and reached fourth place n the competition.

Her single BOSS Girl is available to download and stream now.

It’s the result of year of hard work for Lauren, who almost stopped her performing altogether after a family tragedy when she was growing up.

Lauren was just eight years old when she first started singing. It was something joyful and carefree and she performed at every opportunity for her Mum and her family.

She says of the time: “I joined a Saturday club for singing and dancing and that was when I decided that I wanted to become a singer, I didn’t know how, I didn’t know when, but I had made up my mind and that was my dream.”

However, this dream was to be put on hold: when she was 11 years old her beloved father Haider died suddenly and unexpectedly. With that terrible event Lauren retreated into herself and into depression for many years. Family life became difficult at times and she found it hard to make friends and ‘fit in’, resulting in her dropping out of school at the age of 13.

In losing her father she had also lost her confidence, enjoyment of life and her dream of becoming a singer was forgotten.

She did not pick up a microphone again until she was 16 when, on a whim, she started to take up singing lessons. Her confidence gradually returned and she was hooked, gigging in all manner of pubs and clubs to hone her singing style and performance.

Later she was working as a dental receptionist when she applied to be on The X Factor, going on a journey to fulfil her dream from when she was eight.

With fans now including Adele, Lauren says of the many lessons she has learned the most important one is to NEVER EVER give up, and always do what makes you happy. She has had some tough times but it is these experiences that have shaped Lauren and have made her stronger and more ambitious than she ever dared she could be. This is all embodied in her new single ‘Boss Girl’.


Lauren says: “Boss Girl to me represents strong, independent and motivated women. Nothing worth having comes easy but it’s about having the fire, hunger and determination to carry on. That’s what I live by and what in my opinion Boss girl stands for. know

“I’m not alone in this journey so I wanted a song that could connect with me and all the boss girls out there making moves and chasing their dreams.

Her documentary underscores this very point – that all women and girls can follow their dreams, no matter what they have gone through in life.

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