Who won The Apprentice 2017? Winner revealed after final task

The Apprentice 2017 winner revealed: Who won The Apprentice UK

The Apprentice 2017 winner has been revealed by Lord Sugar in the final task.

After 12 weeks of competition, tough tasks and battles both in and out of the boardroom, this evening was The Apprentice 2017 final.

Sarah Lynn and James White were the final two and they had to launch their businesses.

The pair then faced off in the boardroom with Lord Sugar one final time before the winner was declared.

Who won The Apprentice 2017?

After a tense final boardroom, Lord Sugar dropped a big bombshell as he named BOTH the winners of The Apprentice 2017.

apprentice finalists 2017

In a shock twist, when faced with the decision between the two candidates, Lord Sugar decided it was a dead heat, and picked both to be his business partner. Both winners will receive a £250,000 business investment and 50/50 partnership with the multi-millionaire business mogul.

In the final, Sarah pitched her sweet confectionery delivery service while James showcased his IT recruitment service.

The pair enlisted the help of former candidates to create a brand, advertisement and pitch.

Sarah and James then had to present their business plans to 200 industry experts plus Lord Sugar himself.

After Lord Sugar heard feedback from the experts, he called the final two to the boardroom for one last time.

In the boardroom, Lord Sugar made his final decision after the candidates’ last impassioned pleas for his investment

In the final boardroom, Lord Sugar appeared undecided as he grilled both candidates on their business plans before asking for final guidance from his advisors Karren Brady and Claude Littner, saying: “It is quite obvious that there are two fantastically skilled people there.

“Sarah is very eloquent, she knows her business inside out, although why she hasn’t done the commercial website properly, I don’t get. With James, a very, very crowded market, but he has proved that he can do it when he worked for someone.”

the apprentice final two

After hearing impassioned closing arguments from each candidate, Lord Sugar made his final decision: “James – crowded market, but I’ve had some experience with a similar person of a similar age who is making a lot, a lot of money.”

“Sarah – sweets. I don’t have any experience of your business, okay. I’m going to say that I’m a gambler and I’ve always been a gambler in business..”

“This particular year, I’m going to double my investment: I’m going to start a business with both of you!”

The Apprentice will return to TV next year for a brand new series.