Why Jason Donovan signed up for Dancing On Ice – and his biggest fear

Jason Donovan has spilled all on signing up for Dancing On Ice ahead of his first skate.

The actor and signer is one of twelve celebrities on this year’s line up and he’s “cautiously optimistic”.”

“My focus is on the skill of skating and avoiding injury! That is my concern,” Jason said, “It’s not a solid floor and ice is not forgiving. That’s the jeopardy.

“I think for me, personally, I have other obligations beyond Dancing on Ice so those have to be considered and balanced. You want to do the best show you can but you want to do a show that’s safe as well. It’s that line between sexy TV and safe TV!”

“The biggest fear is fear itself. I’m 52 and am I looking to jump out of a plane at this particular moment in my life? Maybe. Jump, you might fly!” he added.

On why he signed up for the show, Jason shared: “I think we’re all having a very odd year. I think in any other year I might not have had this much time to concentrate on something and I think if you’re going to do a show like this you need to dedicate your entire time to it.

“I couldn’t be doing a show like this and look a producer in the eye if I was doing theatre show and say look I’m going on the ice for three months! It’s a unique opportunity, it’s a skill, it’s structure in a time when there’s not much structure in our lives.

“It’s good to keep fit, I really like that aspect of it. And my nine-year-old daughter is pretty pumped at the idea of seeing me dance on skates so that’s a big thing!”

When it came to the competition element of the show, Jason admitted: “I would be lying if I didn’t say I’d like to get through to the end.

“Being the winner doesn’t always make you the most memorable. Look at One Direction – they didn’t come first did they? BUT I’m not comparing myself to One Direction.

“What I mean is you’d be foolish to say you were getting into a show like this if you didn’t want to do your best so wherever that ends up, that’s fine.”

Dancing On Ice 2021 airs Sunday nights on ITV at 6PM from 17 January.

Picture: ITV