Watch Blue Planet II online, DVD, Blu-Ray or streaming

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BBC documentary Blue Planet II is now available to purchase on DVD, Blu-Ray and streaming.

The bold cinematic experience takes viewers on a magical adventure across the greatest, yet least known parts of our planet – our oceans.

The hit series aired on TV in 2017, over a decade since the first groundbreaking documentary. In the years between, our understanding of life beneath the waves has completely changed.

Travelling from the icy polar seas to the vibrant blues of the coral atolls, Blue Planet II shares these astonishing new discoveries.

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Stream or download Blue Planet II online

Alternatively, Blue Planet II is available to buy to stream or download online via Amazon Prime Video HERE or iTunes HERE

Blue Planet II is also currently available to watch on Netflix here.

A synopsis of the David Attenborough narrated documentary reads: “In recent years, our knowledge of the natural world and what goes on in our Ocean has been transformed by each stunning wildlife documentary from David Attenborough.

“Blue Planet II uses cutting-edge breakthroughs in science and technology to explore new worlds, reveals astonishing creatures and extraordinary new animal behaviours.

“As we journey through our deep seas, coral reefs, open ocean, green seas and coasts we share these extraordinary new discoveries. But we now know that ocean health is under threat. Never has there been a more crucial time to explore our remotest seas, and to examine what the future will hold for our blue planet.”

The DVD and Blu-Ray release includes all seven episodes of Blue Planet II.