Walk The Line: Apply now for Simon Cowell’s new musical game show

Applications are open now for Simon Cowell’s new musical game show.

Walk The Line is described as a “brand new high octane musical game show format” which will see a life changing cash prize on offer.

Soloists, duos, bands, choirs and others are invited to take part in this high octane musical game show.

You can apply online now here with applications closing Monday, 27 September 2021. You must be at least 18 years old to apply.

Revealing the format earlier this year, ITV sjared: “The TV event format sees musical acts – be they soloists, duos, bands, or choirs – take to the stage to perform for the nation, as well as a panel of judges headed up by Simon Cowell.

“The top two performers of the evening then face a nail-biting decision in their bid to be crowned champion – to either ‘cash out’ with a tempting cash prize, or walk the line and play on. Should they stay in and top the leaderboard, they will then progress to the next show, facing a different cast of performers.

“The longer the performers can stay in the contest, the bigger the prize pot, with a high stake ‘stay or play’ moment at the end of each show. Each night, the reigning champion will be offered an even higher cash out prize – will they take the money and leave the competition, or Walk The Line and bet on themselves…?”

Simon said: “Each show there will be a champion who must make a vital decision: either cash out then and there or stay in the contest to compete again the following night and have a chance to claim the huge prize.

“It’s the kind of decision that will have viewers on the edge of their seats – real event TV. I’m very excited at giving musical talent the opportunity to transform their lives like never before.”

The series will air this autumn on ITV.

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