The One Show launches Red Nose and Spoon Race Challenge for Red Nose Day

BBC’s The One Show has announced a race with a difference for this year’s Red Nose Day.

Alex Scott and Jermaine Jenas will captain teams for a three-day race to raise money for people who are struggling now more than ever.

In The Red Nose And Spoon Race, the pair will compete against each other as they aim to hike over 100km in three days balancing a Nose on a Spoon

Alex and Jermaine will each captain a team where their two other teammates will be from projects that are supported by Comic Relief.

The BBC explain: “The Yellow Team, led by Jermaine, and the Blue Team, led by Alex, will be putting their fitness levels and dexterity skills to the test as they embark on this intense challenge – they need to be quick on their feet whilst also keeping their Red Noses off the ground. Each ‘Nose Drop’ will result in a time penalty that could cost them being crowned Red Nose and Spoon Race Champions.

“Both teams will also have to forego any luxuries and embrace the great outdoors, as they pitch tents and sleep out under the stars at the end of a long day, before picking their spoons back up the next morning as they continue the race to the finish line.

“They will need to navigate their way across steep hills, freezing open water and thick forest – all whilst battling the unpredictable Great British weather and inevitable arm ache.”

The One Show presenter Alex Jones said: “Alex and Jermaine are very competitive – it’s not just about the distance, it’s about their balance and I know that there are going to be a few surprise curveballs thrown in along the route.

“Knowing them, I’m entirely expecting it to be very close and there will be loads of laughs along the way. I can’t wait to see what they get up to – tune in from the comfort of your sofas each night to see them thrown out of their comfort zones!”

Jermaine added: “I’m excited and apprehensive to be taking on the Red Nose And Spoon race for this special One Show and Comic Relief Challenge. I’ve been training hard and can’t wait to get started. I’m looking forward to the challenge with my teammates and have ultimately got my mind on the end goal – completing the distance in one piece and raising money and awareness for such a great cause.”

Alex Scott commented: “I always love a good adventure so I’m really looking forward to being part of the Comic Relief Challenge this year. The camping in particular is going to be a challenge for me – let’s hope it’s not too cold!

“Ultimately, this is about raising lots of awareness and money for an incredible cause which make a tangible difference to projects and people’s lives. Bring it on!”

You’ll be able to meet the teams and follow every step of the race from Wednesday 3 March on The One Show, (BBC One, 7PM) with the challenge starting on Wednesday 10 March, Thursday 11 March and the winning team announced on Friday 12 March ahead of Red Nose Day on 19 March.

The challenge will raise money to support life-changing projects both across the UK and around the world that are tackling issues such as homelessness, hunger, domestic abuse and mental health stigma.

You can donate to Comic Relief by visiting