The Circle’s Jack and Beth reveal they are officially dating

The Circle’s cat-fishing duo Jack Quirk and Beth Dunlavey are seeing one another after meeting on the show.

The pair originally started the Channel 4 series as single players before being booted out.

But in a twist, viewers voted for them to return together as a new player, 62-year-old Joyce.

While their catfishing wasn’t hugely successful, Beth and Jack hit it off with each other while living together and even shared their first kiss on camera.

Following their exit from the show, Jack confessed: “I thought, as I went to kiss her, as it was a doorway they might not have seen, but nope! There’s cameras everywhere!”

Now the pair say they’re set for dates on the outside world.

“We’ll see where it goes from there, but I’m taking that as a good sign!” Jack told the Metro newspaper.

“I agreed to that before we’d even had a kiss!” Beth added, revealing: “I’ve said it loads of times, it wouldn’t have been the same without Jack, I wouldn’t have wanted to do it with anyone else, and he’s pretty much made my experience on The Circle what it was.”

Jack went on to confess that the pair had started their relationship in a “weird order”.

He said: “I fancied you for the personality and before I knew you were you. So I don’t think there’s many situations in the world where you get to know each other as a friend, then start to really connect with them so much you fancy them, and then to see them and go ‘jeez this girl is stunning!'”

Jack and Beth reunited with their fellow players for The Circle final last night.

“This guy made my experience so unbelievably amazing and memorable,” wrote Beth on Twitter.

Jack added: “Ready for the live final with this absolutely gorgeous little rocket.”

In the live final, it was Paddy Smyth who won The Circle 2019, winning a £70,000 prize.

Meanwhile, Tim Wilson won the viewers champion title, winning a £30,000 cash prize.

You can catch up on this year’s series of The Circle as well as the first series via All4 Player.

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