The Circle results: Who left? One more player blocked in dramatic blocking

The Circle 2021 results - who was blocked?

Another player was blocked in The Circle 2021 results – here’s who left and the dramatic fallout!

In last night’s episode, new players Pippa and Femi (aka Joey) were put in charge of selecting one of the influencers, choosing Manrika.

The other players then rated once more to decide who would be the second influencer and it was Andy who came out on top.

In tonight’s episode (31 March) Andy and Manrika went to the hangout where they discussed who they wanted to keep safe and who they wanted to block.

Their alliances with Syed (Hashu) and Felix (Natalya) ensured their safety, but they both had question marks around Vithun, Dorothy (Scott) and Gemma (James). Andy questioned whether it would be a tactical error to tell Manrika what he knows about Gemma’s true identity.

Who left The Circle?

Ultimately, Andy and Manrika reached a decision and the player they chose to block was Gemma (James).

Before leaving the circle, Gemma (James) got to meet another player face to face and chose to see Manrika.

Manrika was annoyed to learn that James wasn’t really a nurse called Gemma, but James explained he sincerely did want to raise money for the NHS and didn’t think he would win the money by coming in to The Circle as himself.

Manrika admitted to painting the snake picture and apologised. James was annoyed that Manrika didn’t admit to it earlier when she was asked directly, but Manrika explained that she did what she felt was necessary for her game.

The next morning, the news feed was updated with a video message from Gemma (James) in which he mentioned that it is true he was playing to win money for the NHS and that he was formerly Hunter from Gladiators.

In the circle chat, Andy told the group that Gemma revealed to him about being a catfish and that he wasn’t ready to share with others. Femi (Joey) reacted with surprise, saying “I wasn’t expecting to see a gladiator this morning”. In his apartment, Syed (Hashu) asked himself: “Do they show Gladiators in Nigeria?”

Dorothy (Scott) and Syed (Hashu) later had a private chat where Syed raised his surprise that Femi was aware of Gladiators.

Meanwhile Vithun started a Circle Siblings chat with Manrika and Andy. Vithun, feeling guilty about the anonymous message he posted in the agony aunts game, admitted that he has said things in the anonymous games to “be more edgy and cool”.

Manrika asked him directly if he posted the comment about the Circle relationship and Vithun confessed – Andy thought it was brave and that he just wanted to give Vithun a massive hug while Manrika thanked him for his honesty and proposes a fresh start.

The Circle continues Sunday to Fridays on Channel 4 and All 4.

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