The Apprentice 2018 results: Who was fired? Two candidates axed in shock boardroom

Who was fired The Apprentice 2018 this week? Results confirmed SPOILER

Two candidates left The Apprentice 2018 in tonight’s results – but who left?

It was Tom Bunday and Jackie Fast who were fired from The Apprentice this week in a shocking boardroom.

In tonight’s show, it was week nine and Lord Sugar instructed the candidates to meet him at an iconic London location.

The group arrived at the old heart of television – the former headquarters of the BBC in West London.

There, the contestants found themselves tasked with one of the most high-pressure challenges yet – selling live to the nation on one of the country’s leading TV shopping channels.

But first there was a shake up to the teams with Jackie Fast, Tom Bunday, Khadija Kalifa and Camilla Ainsworth making up Team Collaborative, led by tom.

Daniel Elahi, Sarah Ann Magson, Sabrina Stocker, and Sian Gabbidon were Team Typhoon for the latest challenge, project managed by Sian.

Teams had to tune in to decide on the best products to sell, as well as direct a 30 second TV promo to boost sales of one of their items, before taking over the airwaves in a one-hour prime time sales slot live on TV. The team that generated the most sales would win the task.

Each team split in two: One half had to select what to sell and work in the production gallery, while the others underwent an intense TV presenting training course before their small screen debut.

On arrival at the TV shopping channel, Team Typhoon opted for a high-risk, high-price strategy, while on the other side, a lack of confidence in their on-screen presenting pair caused the product selectors to aim low.

Meanwhile, filming their product promo caused problems for Team Typhoon when they left the featured item back at base. The result was a cobbled together clip filmed in a car park that couldn’t be aired.

After a day of prep, the evening saw the candidates go live to the nation and it wasn’t just the presenters who were out of their comfort zone.

Off screen in the gallery, a last-minute change in strategy led to a major breakdown in communications for Team Collaborative. While, on the other, solidly sticking to their high-price strategy proved a real risk.

The Apprentice 2018 results

In the boardroom and the results were revealed.

Team Collaborative brought in total confirmed sales of £1,329 while Team Typhoon won with sales of £1,467.

When it came to who was fired, Lord Sugar stunned as he immediately dispatched project manager Tom after a series of losses.

“I’ve given you every single opportunity to prove to me what you can do… Tom, you’re fired,” Lord Sugar announced.

However it wasn’t over there, as the rest of the team – Jackie, Khadija and Camilla – all returned to the boardroom.

There, Jackie became the second candidate of the night to be fired by Lord Sugar.

The Apprentice 2018 continues next Wednesday night on BBC One.

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