Georgia Cole and David Lundy share the first kiss of Survival of The Fittest in tonight’s ITV2 series.
In tonight’s episode, David, James and Warren are having boy talk on the day beds as they grill David as to his thoughts on Georgia.
“She is a bit of me, let’s see what happens,” he tells them.
Later in the Look Out, David and Georgia seem to be getting close. He rubs her back.
“Is this a game plan though?” she asks him. “Is this just a game plan? You’re just telling me what I want to hear.”

David replies: “I don’t have a game plan. Do you trust me?”
Georgia says she doesn’t know. David asks for a kiss.
“No you’ve got to earn that!” She tells him. Later in the Tree House, David says he has “been pied!”
The next day, David tells Georgie: “I like Georgia, she is my type, she is adorable, she’s cute, she’s got good chat. We get on really well and bounce off each other which is really nice.”
Georgie teases him: “Imagine if you had babies, your baby’s eyes would be so blue!”
David and Georgia go and talk on one of the day beds. They joke about Georgia “pie-ing him” the previous night.
David says: “I kind of respected you for it to be honest with you because you weren’t playing hard to get or anything, but I get a vibe that we had a connection. I just thought you were biding your time. “
“You’re here for yourself, I’m here for myself, we’re against each other. We’re rivals and in my head as well, I don’t want to let stuff get in my way,” Georgia says.
“That’s a good thing though because I would never ask you to go against the Girls,” David tells her.
“What if I mess a challenge up because I’m not focusing?” she laughs.

David tells her: “I think you should give yourself more credit because I don’t think you would. You’ve got a competitive streak in you. You wouldn’t let the girls down for me and I respect that and I wouldn’t let the boys down and I think you would respect me for that too.
“But it doesn’t mean I don’t want to spend time with you during the day and get to know you and hopefully go on a date with you as well but I do like you.”
They share a kiss.
Later in the Tree House, Georgia admits: “Dave is a grower. At first, he wasn’t exactly my type but I’m just going to start a fresh and go for something different. I think it’s time for change… It could give me an advantage to what happens later but at the same time I don’t want to annoy the other lads so I’m playing it cool.”
Survival of the Fittest tonight at 9pm on ITV2
More on: Georgia ColeSurvival Of The Fittest