Strictly Come Dancing’s Seann Walsh and Katya Jones speak out over ‘kissing scandal’

Seann Walsh and Katya Jones have spoken out on Strictly Come Dancing’s It Takes Two about their ‘kissing scandal’.

Comedian Seann and his professional partner Katya became the focus of attention over the weekend, for all the wrong reasons.

The pair – who had both been in relationships – were snapped “snogging like a pair of teenagers” ahead of last Saturday’s show.

Katya is married to fellow Strictly pro dancer Neil Jones while Seann was in a relationship with actress girlfriend Rebecca Humphries, before she dumped him in a lengthy statement posted to Twitter.

Appearing on It Takes Two tonight, Seann said: “I think that, obviously I’m sorry for the hurt that I’ve caused.

“We were getting on well, we were having fun. We had a couple of drinks and made a huge mistake and I regret it deeply.”

Responding to his now ex-girlfriend’s statement, Seann said: “I’d rather not be addressing this publicly but I feel as though I have to. I made a mistake, which I’m very sorry for – sorry for the hurt that I’ve caused. You never think about the extent of the damage that you’re going to do, in a moment of, you know the mistake that you’ve made.

“I’m not perfect, far from it. Our relationship wasn’t perfect. That doesn’t mean I wanted it to end the way it finally did, and I’m very sorry for that.

“I feel it’s also important for me to say that the people that know me the most, that love me, they know that I am not the person I’m being portrayed as. I’m still sorry for what I did, but it’s very important for me to get that out there.”

Katya added: “Obviously I apologise, and I can’t apologise enough to everyone who it hurt and involved.

“But, the main thing, me and Neil are absolutely fine and that’s what matters to me the most right now and focusing on my job and doing it as professionally as I can.”

This week, Seann and Katya are dancing the Charleston to ‘Bills’ by Lunchmoney Lewis.

“We’re working really hard and looking forward to Saturday and doing the Charleston as best we can,” Katya commented.

Strictly Come Dancing 2018 continues Saturday and Sunday night on BBC One.