Strictly Come Dancing’s Kelvin Fletcher reveals his secret signature move

Kelvin Fletcher has spilled all on joining Strictly Come Dancing 2019.

Kelvin is an actor, best known for playing Andy Sugden on the ITV soap opera Emmerdale from 1996 to 2016.

He joins the line up in place of Made In Chelsea star Jamie Laing who was forced to quit due to injury just after the launch show.

Kelvin admitted: “It’s been the most surreal week of my life! I’m a massive fan of Strictly so it’s incredible. I’m so happy that I can be a part of it.

“But at the same time it’s quite bittersweet! I’m coming in on the back of Jamie’s injury – I keep thinking about him! I can’t imagine going through all this excitement and then having to pull out. My thoughts are with him – he seems like a fantastic guy and I hope he’s doing OK.”

Kelvin continued: “When I first found out I didn’t know who I’d be with, what costumes I’d be wearing… It’s intense! I feel like I’ve been thrown in at the deep end. I’ve also not had the chance to meet any of the other contestants yet, so I’m looking forward to that. I took my daughter for her first day at school last week and I feel like I’m going through the same thing myself now!”

It’s since been confirmed that Kelvin will dance with Oti Mabuse, which he is more than pleased with.

“She’s my favourite. It’s brilliant. I’m so happy,” he said. “I pride myself on my work ethic so if we need to stay in the studio to get a certain dance move right, that’s fine. I hope I’ll be a good student.

“I think I’ll get frustrated with myself if I can’t get a move. I want to get it right. I know it’ll feel so good when you do get it. I think I’ll really enjoy it – and I’ve got the most amazing teacher!”

Kelvin went on to reveal that his signature dance move was “probably just taking my top off!”

“Every time I’ve had a beer that’s something I’ve done with my friends! All of my friends are all different shapes and sizes so it’s not even about how you look. I think it’s a northern thing?!” he joked.

Kelvin continued: “My experience of dancing is exclusively at weddings or parties with alcohol involved and in the dark…! So suddenly to be confronted with moves and choreography – it’s so new! I think it’ll be tough but I want to learn.

“When you watch it on TV it looks amazing, but when you take it apart and break down what goes into the dance, it’s amazing. I’m in awe of what Oti and the other professionals do and how good they are.”

Strictly Come Dancing 2019 will return to BBC One on Saturday, September 21 with its first live show.